Nutritional Therapy to relieve IBS symptoms - IBS Network

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Nutritional Therapy to relieve IBS symptoms

Mwaakas profile image
4 Replies

NB: Always ask your doctor before embarking on any of the nutritional advice stated below. Hope this helps some1 out there.


Problem is muscles in the small & large intestines contract in spasms rather than regularly causing food to move to quickly causing less water to be absorbed which cause watery stools or diarrhea

On the other hand it could be that food moves to slowly causing to much water to be absorbed hence causing hard dry stools or constipation. Something in food bothers the gastro intestinal tract this is most likely due to what we eat eg; processed, greasy, fried, sugared, chemicaled, synthetic, drugged or preserved food, plus eating hurriedly or at irregular times.


>take enema to relieve gas & pain

>apply heat on abdomen using heating pad, hot water bottle for 1hr remove for 1hr add again after an 1hr till pain subsides

>take charcoal tablets to relieve gas & bloating bt not daily they can cause constipation.

>Avoid gas forming foods

>Avoid swallowing air

>Avoid chewing gum, smoking, alcohol, carbonated drinks

>Eat additional coarse oat bran

>Drink additional water aswel

>Add crushed psyllium seed to diet

>Drink 1 tablespoon blackstrap Molasses in a cup of hot water twice a day

>Eat acidophilus twice weekly

>Eat on a regular schedule; do not skip or eat between meals, let digestive system rest for 5hrs inbetween meals

>Do not eat before sleeping


Avoid refined Sugar, Use Honey, Blackstrap Molasses or pure sugar cane juice


Only use Extra virgin oil for cooking other oils change their molecular form when high heat is applied to them making them oil that causes inflammation inthe body


Take mineral or distilled water mixed with tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon 30 to 1hr before eating & 2hrs after eating.


Peppermint tea (3 or more cups per day) or Chamomile tea. There othere herbs like slippery elm, catnip, golden seal & alfalfa which are good, drink them slowly.


Drink Blended organic vegies & non acidic fruits or raw juice from fruits & vegtables exract using a juicer & drink this every day eg watermelon, apple, carrots, cabbage, Celery, Parsley (carrots are good for inner lining of intestines),


Eat cooked or steamed green leafy vegtables, white potatoes, multi grain bread, brown rice, millet, sweet potatoes, bananas, cooked carrots, squash & avocados


Flaxseed oil or Peppermint (2 tablespoon a day) it can also be mixed with smoothie or raw fruit & vegtable juice. I prefer Flaxiseed Oil


Beta-carotene (25,000 UI)

Cranberry tablets

Vitamin C (1000mg 3times a day) with bioflavonoids to help elimante irritating bowel toxins

Vitamin E (400IU)

Dietary fibre (3-6grams)


>Pain may sharply increase due to drinking cold liquids & eating foods

>avoid stress, worry, & rush

>avoid tobacco, tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcohol & drugs

>avoid animal fats, butter, fried foods, & diary products. 70% IBS patients are lactose intolerant

>avoid anti acids & Laxatives

>avoid refined sugar at all costs & do not use sugar substitutes eg sorbitol etc.

I have alot of Nutritional information for many other diseases feel free to ask me questions where you have not understood. These chronic medical conditions we have are lifestyle diseases that have come upon us due to the way we have been living & eating over the years. Now our body cant handle this & results in diseases popping up because the cells become stressed in 1 way or another and 1 of the major ways besides medicine to get your cells back to normal is to start repairing your body inthe most natural way by giving it what it has been lacking for it to start misbehaving inthe 1st place and that is the most nutritious foods & liquids ( water & raw fruit & vegtable juices) in excess. Eat theses food as if you want to overdose your alot of your symptoms will reduce. Speaking from experince.

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Mwaakas profile image
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4 Replies
winfong profile image

👍 Great stuff

Linley profile image


Luisa22 profile image

Thank you so much for your post Mwaakas. It seems that following this has helped you, and that is excellent news.

Though I agree definitely with many of those things you mention, unfortunately the vegetables wouldn't suit me. I cannot eat squash and can only eat the tiniest pieces of avocado. Sometimes I can eat raw lettuce and peeled cucumber, but it is impossible to eat any other vegetable raw. It is too upsetting for my gut.

Amazingly I do manage to have very healthy dinners within a safe range. And mostly the foods I can eat are fine with me. Only sometimes my gut will get upset for no apparent reason, not even connected with stress and for no reason I can trace.

Mwaakas profile image

Hi Luisa, this is indeed a weird disease wha works for others doesn't work other people. But you cannot eat them raw you can extract the juices from raw fruit & vegtable using a juicer then mix a variety of fruit & vegtable juices together to make 1 drink eg watermelon, apple spinach/bokchoy, cabbage, carrots, cucumber & beetroot. Most people who cannot eat raw, do manage to drink raw fruit & veggie juice & you can add cold pressed flaxeed oil to juices or already cooked food when its on your plate to give your bowel more nourishment & better digestion.

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