Does anyone else have this problem ?I have discovered that if I eat anything containing palm oil or palm fat I have diarrhea within an hour of eating.It seems most foods contain it Even bread, which I did not realize until I started cutting out all sorts of food to try to isolate what was causing this problem. If I make sure I don't eat anything with it in I do not suffer from the diarrhea
Does anyone else have a problem with Palm oil - IBS Network
Does anyone else have a problem with Palm oil

No one should be eating Palm Oil avoid it like the plague Many reasons Health and environment being the main
Yes morally I don't want to eat it and have tried to avoid it, but what people don't realize is how much is in everyday food even bread. It is not put in the ingredients as Palm oil there are over 500 different names being used to conceal it e.g. Mono- diglcerides, glycol are just a few I had to research very hard to discover so many hidden names. The FDA in America show this list. I eventually managed to find a blog where people from all over the world are writing about the health problems they are having from eating food with it in. Doctors are not accepting there is a problem There is an institute in Germany who can test for it but so far the rest of the world don't want to know. As big business is involved in the Palm oil industry it's not in their interest for allergies to be recognised. Why are so many different names being used to disguise it in food? Probably so we won't connect it to our symptoms.
I have a major issue with palm oil. I eat very little processed foods but came across a gluten and dairy free ginger oat biscuit that I liked for an occasional treat . And then my bowel started to react. Badly. I stopped, allowed everything to settle and re-tried. Same result. I couldn't work out what the cause was until a friend visited and brought some gluten, dairy free chocolate biscuits with her and I had the same reaction. Anyhow, to cut a longish story short, I finally worked out - it's the palm oil.
If I had spotted it in the list of ingredients for the original biscuits I tried, I wouldn't have bought them - for environmental reasons.
I do not intensionally eat it but it is in so many foods it is nearly impossible to track, Palm oil growers destroy rain forests and Urang utang and other wildlife habitats, they call it sustainable but it is not, illegal growers cut down forest and then legal growers take over the land and then call it sustainable, its all about money money money, all palm oil is grown on cut down rain forests which are vital for producing the worlds oxygen, its a really sad topic

Totally agree with you. I go out of my way to avoid palm oil, it's so bad for your body, even if you don't have any symptoms after eating it.

Have now found a website giving suppliers of foods and products which are completely Palm oil free am going to try some of these when I can afford it meanwhile making everything from scratch thank goodness for my fresh fruit which I love
I get terrible heartburn after eating it. The only reasonable way of avoiding palm oil is to not eat anything that has been processed. In other words cook from scratch, of buy local produce, not mass manufactured.
I do all that but it's hidden in other things under different names it's also in toothpaste,soap and many other everyday products.People do not realize how widespread this is
Totally agree cannot trust manufacturers telling us it's from a sustainable source they will tell any lies so they can keep destroying the planet. David Bellamy warned of this many years ago.What is worrying is that this product has been sneeked into so many things like toothpaste, soap and now most foods under different names making it difficult to identify until it makes us ill. With Doctors not accepting that you can be allergic to it we have a big problem
Came here to say I had a horrible flare yesterday and I'm thinking it's due to the peanut butter sandwich I had. Peanut butter doesn't normally bother me but this particular brand has palm oil. :/