I seem to be writing a lot lately for advice. I would just like some observations from those of you who had this. I have had a few polyps taken and confirmed diverticulitis. Since the procedure on Saturday, my stomach has been uncomfortable and painful at times. I am also suffering constipation. I know that after a clear out you may not go for a couple of days but it feels like I need to go but nothing which has made my rectum quite sore. I also suffer internal haemorrhoids. Is it normal to have stomach pains and is it OK to take laxitives , I was thinking lactulose or laxido. Though the thought of laxido after the prep makes me feel sick. I had a sigmoidoscopy in the past and felt normal after so was just wondering how others felt after a colonoscopy . Thanks for any comments.
Recent Colonoscopy : I seem to be writing a lot... - IBS Network
Recent Colonoscopy

Hello DocksgirlYou seem to be my diagnostic twin, except I have external piles. We are all different with healing time but what I can say is a colonoscopy examines the large colon which is longer than the sigmoid so if you are still uncomfortable could be the scope touched the lining of the bowel and then there was the removal of the polyps. 🤔. You still may have gas inside you which maybe mimicking the need for a bowel movement. As regards laxatives I personally would not take any but if you are worried please speak to your GP. 🍀
Dr should give you a remedy that clears you out completey a day before procedure
Yes I had that. My bowel was totally clear. The surgeon was pleased with that. I took the lot disgusting though it was, I did not want it done again.
I never had pain after colonoscopy Endoscopy yes just for 3 days my esophagus was sore.
Lactulose is horrible laxative it cause bloating trapped gas, not for me I tossed the bottle.
About internal hemorrhoids suppository work well,
Best gentle laxative is Dulcolax
It is funny what you read. I have read to stay off senna and Dulcolax. My friend who is a nurse said that ladies who have had a hysterectomy find it more painful as the colon moves about more 😳
Don't worry about posting a lot, there's always someone who will reply to help and support. Colonoscopy is a much bigger procedure as linley said. I had a large polyp removed, was painful for a while and everything took a while to settle, so wouldn't suggest any laxatives just yet. Just a bland diet and plenty of fluids for a few days, paracetamol if needed.
Ive had 3 colonoscopys in the past as have to have them ev 5 years due to polyps returning. I originally had ibs which turned into bile salt malabsorbtion after gall bladder removal. My symptoms were pains and chronic dirreah, i now take colestipol prescribed by royal free and ive now improved by 90 percent, if i dont take colestipol my symptoms immediatly return. In view of the colonoscopys yes its a little uncomfortable wen they go up and have to turn x4 bends in ur stomach but its ok after that, my opinion the prep mixtures worse taken the day before to clear u out, i was even going on the way to hospital dam stuff.
After my last 2 colonoscopy’s I had quite a lot of abdominal pain for about a week after, and lots of bloating. I found a water bottle helped on my abdomen. Maybe speak to your Dr about what you can take, or maybe a pharmacist? Hope you are feeling better soon
My guts felt a bit traumatised and I did wonder if any damage was done -had red blood in first ‘poo’ due to dozen biopsies. But it settled in less than a week ie back to usual. Previous time ~5 years ago they took out a polyp (none this time) and I think it improved things.
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I take blood thinners and as soon as I started them again had some bleeding from my haemorrhoids, but the pain and stools getting better. So using anusol, that usually clears it up. Though blood thinners are a pain when you suffer things like this.