Hey guys, I have a colonoscopy booked for May 10th and they plan to also have a look around in my stomach while out under. Just wondering if anyone has any experience and could let me know what to expect? I've never had one done before so not sure what to expect, if there is anything I should be aware of that they don't tell you , stuff like that. Anything helps
Colonoscopy booked: Hey guys, I have a... - IBS Network
Colonoscopy booked

I had two done years ago. I assume you have received the stuff they give you to empty your bowels beforehand. No dinner the day before if I remember correctly and no breakfast on the day. Prepare yourself to be on the toilet a lot as it comes running out of you. I hated the colonoscopies although I have seen people walking in and out without a care. I found them uncomfortable but don't let that put you off. Everyone is different.

Thank you, pain was one of the things I was a little worried about. Hoping it's more so just uncomfortable and not painful
It should not be painful rather uncomfortable as you can imagine without going into details. You'll be facing the monitor and can watch the tube's process if you so wish as a distraction while the doctor works behind you.
Hi. I had my first colonoscopy done last week. I opted for no sedation and just gas and air.. a bit uncomfortable but managed with gas and air well. I was able to leave the hospital within 30 min after the colonoscopy. I was veryy worried of experiencing pain but I am gald I was not put off. The moviprep was not nice to drink but again manageble. Had to be very close to toilet as indeed it runs out 🙈.Post colonoscopy I was bloated for aprox 2 days and slight discomfort but managed with deflatin. Good luck with yours.
Thank you! I'm not sure if I'll be put under or not as they want to go into my stomach to have a look as well and get a biopsy. So far I've been told I'll be there for a few hours minimum and I need someone to drive me home
Hi Owen12, it's possible to do it without sedation ? how was the experience?Thanks
Hi Elmacho73. I was asked if I wish sedation or not and I said no to sedation. It was slight discomfort but managed well with gas and air. I had to turn from left side to back and then right side. When the scope was inserted was a slight sensation that I needed the loo. When they pump air is the sensation of trapped wind and can get slight discomfort and pain but I took deep breaths from gas and air and I was all numbed..felt a bit like being drunk 🤭. Its not a nice procedure but managed well without sedation yes.
I had it in December last year have the sedation I would not of even known they had done it if I could not see it on the screen
oh also I couldnt drink the bowl prep liquid it made me sick i got some off the shelf laxative tablets cant remember which they worked just as well but you need to take them a lot earlier than you would the liquid i did tell them what I did and they were happy with that
I've had a few of these throughtout my life, make sure you ask for a sedative, otherwise it's quite painless
I had gas and air and so long as you use it properly it was great. Also given pain relief for another one and that was ok too. My advice is to let them know if ur suffering. You’ll be fine. Yes bowl prep sends you to the loo for ever- take a book! but it’s all manageable
Dont worry, youll be okay. Drink the bowel prep slowly. It's not unpleasant. Yes, it works very quickly. If you have to travel to the hospital give yourself enough time to let it all go through before setting off. On the day , I gave myself an extra couple of hours when drinking it.The colonoscopy is not too bad. It's fascinating to watch the procedure on the monitor. It shouldn't be painful, just a bit uncomfortable.
I had a gastroscopy done at the same time, before the colonoscopy. That wasn't very pleasant. I couldn't stop gagging.
Make sure you take something to eat and drink with you as they like you to have something to normalise your blood pressure and sugar levels before letting you go home afterwards.
I'm not sure if I'll have the gastroscopy but I'm assuming so since they want to have a peek in my stomach. Hoping the gagging isn't too bad
As people will tell you the worse part is the prep work before, make sure you got plenty of toilet paper.
Hi. Had one recently. Two tips that may help. Firstly, if you can manage it, don't eat at all the day before or obviously on the day. That way the nasty stuff you have to drink doesn't give you any cramps etc when trying to clear out the food in your gut. Secondly, they have two scopes they can use. The adult and the child one. They will try to use the adult one which is larger. As soon as it goes in if you feel any discomfort, tell them it's hurting and ask for the child one. They can still do biopsies with it and it's a breeze from then on. If I have any now I will tell them before that I need that one. P.S biopsies don't hurt at all. The drink and clearing your bowel is worse than the colonoscopy.
I have had several colonoscopies with different doctors. I did not have any pain and I did not remember any of it. Once they put me out, I was out and all was fine. The prep is a pain. Everyone's bowels are different, but for me, once I started going, I needed to sit on a chair near the bathroom since it was so urgent and fast. Using vaseline on your anal opening before the diarrhea starts and during will prevent you from developing soreness there.
I wasn't knocked out at all. I was on my side watching the screen and chatting to the surgeon.
I've had 3 endoscopies and a colonoscopy before. The colonoscopy was actually a very positive experience if you can call it that, I was fascinated to see what my colon looked like! If I ever have to have another one, I won't worry so you shouldn't. As others have said, the prep is the worst part about it.