Wind wind wind. After every meal. Why. I have not changed my diet recently. I am a coeliac. Gluten free lactose free and fodmap. Yet STILL so much painful wind
Wind wind: Wind wind wind. After every meal... - IBS Network
Wind wind
That’s what happens to me. Example today I was ok this morning then had my dinner then had trapped wind, came home then have to lie down straight and on my stomach which helps me past wind. Then had some tea and trapped wind again am so so fed up of it.
My friends say it’s not normal I just want to know if it is part of IBS ??
I don’t even know if it’s certain foods it just seems to be everything and anything I eat.
What do you take for it? Simethicone works for me.
It could be bad bacteria. Maybe a pro biotic would help. I take yakult. It didn't do any harm and I think it has helped.
I think a probiotic makes a lot of sense (& I take one too). I was wondering what you might do short-term?
I found I had a yeast intolerance which caused wind. Bread is a great problem but you would be surprised how many other products have yeast in them
How was you tested for this ? I just don’t know what to do any more
I went to a homeopathic chap who tested me for many intolerances and he declared yeast. I was very sceptical but stopped eating yeast- that was 30 years ago!
It could be due to eating red meat, spices even mild ones, soya and certain fruits. Or, you may have become inolerant to another food item or medication. You may need to start doing a food/medication diary. I had terrible problems caused by Omeprazole and other similar proton pump inhibitors.
I have mint tea after my dinner. I nearly always have my dinner at the table with no tv so I am aware of eating. I did try mindful eating once on an app but it took so long my dinner got cold but it did make me think about how I was eating. Take care
Have you tried activated charcoal capsules? I take two after a meal and find it helps.
Me too. Every time I rad wind. Gluten and dairy free. Don’t know the answer. If you find out please share. Hope you feel better.
This post is a couple of weeks ago but was searching about wind so relevant to me. How to you relieve wind?
I feel like I'm being pumped up (SIBO? -not tested) and it can't get out. Every afternoon, eat or not (but worse if I eat) it bubbles up makes me very uncomfortable. Spend early evening evening trying to lose it so I'll be able to sleep. Sometimes just standing for a while, out it comes. Lying down not so helpful. Charcoal, windeze, peppermint no help. Anyone know effective exercise or yoga pose tricks to ease it?
You can see many yoga positions on you tube which you can follow to try and move trapped wind. I've had no joy with simeticone, e.g. windeze, etc personally I think they are a joke!
Try adding some anti-bloating foods drinks to your diet; e.g. cucumber, avocado, banana, asparagus, peppermint.