How to stop your IBS Chanel 5 tonight at 7pm r... - IBS Network

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How to stop your IBS Chanel 5 tonight at 7pm reminder.

41 Replies

Hi everyone,

I'm looking forward to the program tonight as I get very similar symptoms to IBS as I'm a coeliac with microscopic colitis and my friend whose on the program and an ex member (carzyfitness) have discussed how similar our symptoms are.

I told my gut specialist that I felt much better eating food prepared from scratch avoiding most processed foods and he said a FODMAP diet suits lots of coeliac as does a low FODMAP diet suits lots of IBS sufferers.

Here's a link to the program:

I'll be interested in others opinions and comments about the program and am sure there will be some useful advice and tips.

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41 Replies
Kitten-whiskers profile image

I can't wait to see this tonight Jerry, Alicia will be brilliant 😁 It will be very interesting, I have to agree with you Jerry, I feel a lot better eating food cooked from scratch.

in reply toKitten-whiskers

Me too Debs I bet it’s good.😁

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply toKitten-whiskers

And food that I have prepared.

Maureen1958 profile image

Can't wait!

in reply toMaureen1958

Hey me too Maureen 😊

Sometimes Celiac disease masquerades itself as IBS symptoms as they are like cousins with similar symptoms.

in reply to

This is very true as I was told I probably had IBS before diagnosis. I was also told that I was too healthy to have anything wrong with me!

in reply to

That's ridiculous those things don't discriminate according to how fit and healthy you are!

in reply to

I'm afraid I was told this repeatedly catgirl and I was eventually diagnosed after offering to give blood only to be referred to my GP with severe anaemia when I was admitted to hospital as an emergency.

But all's well that ends well as once I was in the system with coeliac everything changed for me.

fenbadger profile image

It certainly was interesting

in reply tofenbadger

It was indeed interesting. 😊

serena-g profile image

I wish they'd talked about the approximately 8 different conditions they think IBS is, but the test of gasses given off was really interesting.

in reply toserena-g

That was fascinating serena-g testing the gasses especially as it showed who would respond to a low FODMAP diet.

Endersgame profile image

Both wife and I watched. Have tried, hypnotherapy and it didn't work for me. FODMAP did identify some intolerances in partner (Onion/garlic mainly). We were both unaware of the Ondansatron (?) trials and will keep our fingers crossed for that one.

kavanagh1955 profile image
kavanagh1955 in reply toEndersgame

I'm also interested in Ondansatrin outcome although no idea how we find out conclusively as I've tried everything, hypnotherapy, acupuncture etc etc and nothing. It says Ondansatrin is used to help with nausea and vomiting after chemo.

in reply tokavanagh1955

Me too kavanagh1955 the more tools that help sufferers s the better. so my ears pricked up when they mentioned Ondansatrin.

in reply toEndersgame

Hi Endersgame I agree and was fascinated in the Ondansatron trials as Ive never heard of it, here's an in depth link about it, please see:

My colitis causes very similar symptoms so I am especially interested in this as I tend to avoid meds. There is indeed light at the end of the tunnel. 👍

SueMount profile image
SueMount in reply toEndersgame

I can't eat onions or garlic either. I am very interested in the Ondansatrin too. I am so glad that finally more research is going on in to IBS .I have suffered for over 20 years. It's life controlling

in reply toSueMount

Onions and garlic upset me as well!

Endersgame profile image
Endersgame in reply toEndersgame

It looks as though its currently not licensed for IBS in the UK, hence the trial. It appeared to have had a dramatic effect on the person shown in the program so have to keep fingers crossed.

SueMount profile image
SueMount in reply toEndersgame

I really hope there is a break through. I think I have tried everything else on offer. I even tried the anti depressants but didn't work for me.

BabsyWabsy profile image

Watched it. Alicia came across well. The three different approaches were interesting and I would have liked more depth, but of course time is limited. I wonder what the viewing figure were for a programme about poo.

in reply toBabsyWabsy

Hi BabsyWabsy I hope that lots of people watched it as it was a real eye opener as I was impressed with the whole approach to IBS.

Iggls profile image

Interesting and several useful items of information. BUT the 3 main people all had IBS D, not very severe C, like me., so an unbalanced programme. Hypno was lovely but didn’t work for long, I follow Fodmap rigidly but am still crippled, Yoga no good if old and arthritic. Likewise the drug mentioned is for IBS D.. so all heavily biased towards that and not the other 50% of us who are equally desperate…?

in reply toIggls

Hi Iggls this is a very valid point and I’m not sure that this is the only program in the series as Embarrassing Bodies was a Chanel 4 program and this is How stop your IBS on Ch 5 series one.

So we will have to see as I thought this was a well thought out program showing real compassion for sufferers.

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply toIggls

I’m IBS-C as well, I wish the programme had said more about that as I’ve tried the FODMAP diet & it wasn’t a major success , also tried hypnosis , but not a full course .I googled the drug too , but like you say it’s for IBS D

Krisbetty profile image
Krisbetty in reply toGardenlover2020

Im going too ask my GP to put me on Constella/Linaclotide for my IBS C.

Jules79 profile image

Hi Jerry, I'm new here - I decided to look to see what forums existed after seeing the people being able to share experiences on the program last night. I'm definitely interested in the new medication being trialled as currently I have Mebeverine to stop the spasms - especially helpful on my holidays when it gets really bad these days.

Just tried my meds on a very recent holiday to Cyprus and a definite improvement in being able to get out and about without fearung the sudden, painful urges and almost passing out before making it to a loo. It doesn't solve the inflammation and soreness though, I woke up a few mornings in Cyprus after an initial flare up with very achy intestines and being on the loo a few times.


in reply toJules79

Hello Jules79 and well done for joining the thread and the community as new members are always welcome. It’s great that you enjoyed your holiday to Cyprus and hope that the Ondansatron trials are successful and offer even better protection.

This is interesting about mebervine so here’s a link to the NHS for those like me not aware of it, please see:

If any members are interesting in a gluten free diet as part of their treatment for IBS then we have lots of gluten free recipes on the Healthy Eating community and we have an IBS Topic section so please feel free to join us:

My philosophy is I eat myself healthy.

ValDee88 profile image

Ive just watched it. I must admit to weeping all the way through it as I feel its the first thing Ive watched that acknowledges the misery of this horrible disease and the exhaustion of managing it or putting a face on when in public.

in reply toValDee88

Wow ValDee88 it’s empowering realising that we have shared negative emotions and you’re right we tend to keep our symptoms to ourselves as they are embarrassing and put on a brave face so this program was a great success. 😊

Jules79 profile image
Jules79 in reply toValDee88

Yes I got my partner to watch it with me to give him a better understanding of what it's like - he used to try and be helpful and suggest not eating bread or pasta and I had to keep telling him that this isn't a wheat intolerance, I feel its a cacophony of things that cause flare ups, chemicals, oils and preservatives used here and abroad in food are some thing I definitely think I have issues with - the two bad flare ups I had last year that lead to me getting a diagnosis were after I ate fish cooked in oil overseas. I eat fish a lot but I think countries that use palm oil may be a problem for me.

in reply toJules79

Hi Jules palm oil is like a laxative for me and its in lots of foods so I avoid it.

And you’re so right that we have to treat it holistically as IBS causes stress and stress exacerbates IBS and stomach issues so it’s all interlinked.

So I’m very impressed that your partner watched it with you as it will give him some real insight,

They also mentioned polyols which is sugar made from refined start her like wheat as these are renowned for being triggers.

Lots of people take multi vitamins and the majority of generic supermarket multi vitamins use Maltitol as a base when Maltitol is used as a laxative and is wheat based. So as natural a diet is my chosen one for my nutrition. Echoing your thoughts on it being a cacophony of things which indeed it is,

Let’s hope some real good comes from this,

Maureen1958 profile image

I thought it was very good, well presented. I hope people without IBS may have watched it too. It might make them understand us better but knowing what people are like, I don't expect many non suffers would have watched unless they had someone close to them suffering with IBS!

I have tried hypnotherapy twice, with no luck! FODMAP would not work for me, after 35 years of IBS I know what I can eat and what to avoid and it does change from time to time too! And I am in too much pain to be crawling around the floor doing yoga at my age! But it was good to see such programs being made and maybe making others aware of these things! I hadn't heard about the ondansetron, so will run that past my GP, I find the nausea more debilitating than the pain so it may help but I won't hold my breath as generally anything makes me go too far one way or the other if you get my drift!I

Thank you again for letting us know about this and say well done to Alicia, she really came over very well. And lets hope we can have more programs like this.

in reply toMaureen1958

Thank you fir saying this Maureen and this is what HealthUnlocked is all about us sharing our experiences and information so I am really pleased at the responses to this.

When I was diagnosed with coeliac there were 4 of us one had an ulcer and was admitted straight away the 3 of us remaining had near identical symptoms of needing to rush to the loo. But I was the only, one diagnosed with CD the other 2 were sent home and even though they don’t have to avoid gluten like me, on one level I knew that I was the lucky one as a natural gluten free diet is my treatment.

I smiled at your definition of yoga. 😂

It may interest you that in the US they believe that between 10 & 15% of the population has IBS so there are definitely issues in our lifestyles and dietary choices. And like you I’m very curious about the link with serotonin and the med Odenastron.

I’m very glad that you liked the program I also hope that we have more like this.

Batteria profile image

I watched it. Very good. Nothing I didn’t already know but good information for new sufferers. I’ve tried everything they suggested and all those things helped a little bit but nothing cured it. The thing that clinched it for me, as you all know, was and still is daytime fasting and late night bingeing. I think (and I’m only guessing) that serotonin levels have something to do with it because every time I was jetlagged the symptoms stopped. Con amore Bx

in reply toBatteria

This is interesting about fasting Batteria there is a fasting HU community please

I was also fascinated in the link with serotonin and you seem to have experienced this. So let’s hope sone good comes from this. 😊

Thank you for posting about it as I wouldn’t have seen it and just watched via the my five app. It was very interesting and so validating too, which has helped me. I’m one who has found FODMAP so helpful but not been able to reintroduce much apart from dairy and I believe that drinking milk kefir helped me there, but was hard to keep up as making my own and went off it. I’ve been on FODMAP for too many years but my GP (or GP’s as rarely see the same one) don’t seem to know enough about it, and no one seems concerned I’ve had such a restricted diet for 7 years at least. I do eat healthily and am pretty good at being strict with self as don’t like feeling so ill with pain if I don’t. It was so validating to hear how they felt and how difficult it is to manage the FODMAP diet. I do get down and depressed if eating in company but try to console myself that I am able to do more, and not got any other terrible or life threatening illness. I practice yoga and find walking and gardening help, but this past year I’ve had 3 close family members pass away and just this month a good friend from cancer so feeling rather low. The constant belching some days and nights doesn’t help with mood, as not getting enough rest either, and makes yoga challenging at times. That medication sounded very hopeful. I’ve tried hypnotherapy, not for IBS, many years ago, but it didn’t help me because of ‘hypervigilence’ due to trauma from young age, I am resistant it seems.

Tests from gases is exciting, having gone through full upper and lower colonoscopy has been really unpleasant and not keen to have to go through that again as meds to clear out really upset my gut too.

Also helped my hubby seeing that. Really grateful to program makers too.

Thanks again.

in reply to

Hey I’m glad that you and hubby benefitted from watching it.

I imagine one common frustration with IBS sufferers is why me it’s not fair as I’ve felt the same being a coeliac with co,it is and a friend who is disabled was telling me how he felt this emotion hard to deal with and was shocked when I said I felt the same as he’d always seen me as someone with an enviable life style.

I will also share with you that many coeliac me included have a fear of food prepared by others and this is not neurotic it’s self preservation but this fear is whoosh way above most peoples comprehension so again sharing our feelings about our bodies shortcomings is empowering.

You have to realise that anyone would feel low if they’d lost one family member in the last year so poor you and don’t beat yourself up over missing loved ones just remember they are at peace and wouldn’t want you suffering.

Take care now and you seem to be coping with your IBS really well I feel that I’ve become a gregarious recluse and I am how Mother Nature made me…

If you want cheering up then you come on the communities as you are not alone 😊

Thanks Jerry, for your kind response. I can fully appreciate your need to be sure of what your eating. Others often won’t understand, or take time to try. Life can often seem better or easier for others, then in honest conversation we can find it’s not all it seems. Grass is not often as green as it seems on other side. Like in the program something was said about no one would ever know by looking at them, as can look so healthy or similar. Certainly talk can help as the program also showed. It’s finding the ones or groups that can help. I’m not keen on spending too much time on internet though, as rather be in garden or nature, but of a recluse myself in that way. 🌱

Junie2 profile image

I watched the program, does anyone know the name of the yoga teacher that was on the program please.

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