Hi, just a quick question, hoping someone has had a similar experience (I'm new to this forum, would love to know if someone has tried this program as well).
I have been on low fodmap diet for ten days so far (five weeks to go) for fructose malabsorption, and my symptoms have been far worse and more frequent (almost constant) since starting the diet. Has anyone found that their symptoms got worse with low fodmaps?
I am fairly sure I would have eliminated any high fodmaps foods, so I don't think that there would be anything new that has caused it. Although I would love to not have any stomach issues, prior to starting low fodmap I only had mild symptoms every second day or so, which was so much better than the medium/severe and veery frequent issues I'm having now (multiple times each day/constantly).
I'm not sure whether it is worth me persisting with the program (supposed to go back to dietician after 6 weeks), as I also don't eat meat and am finding it difficult to find alternative foods (I am a bit concerned about keeping a balanced diet whilst on low fodmap). Prior to this I ate mostly lots of pasta, breads, veg and fruit, which is pretty much exactly what I'm trying to cut out. I'm a uni student so foods like that are a lot easier for me. Unfortunately I can't stand most of the low fodmap grains (I can't stomach rice and buckwheat).
Any tips or advice would be wonderful! Thankyou