Hi everyone,
I am new to this network and I look forward to sharing experiences with my fellow community😀
I have always loved bread, especially craft-baked / slow fermented / sourdough types but have moved away from even these until I better understand the gremlin in my gut 👿
Before IBS said "Hello" my diet along with my wife was what I consider "healthy" freshly cooked, lots of fruit and veg, pasta, rice and potatoes. On the "naughty" side low alcohol consumption and very infrequent "ready meals" or eating out. It still is the same but without the gluten, but still contains other potential IBS triggers.
I first pointed the finger at gluten sometime in 2023 and my GP ruled out coeliac disease and other nasties based on blood tests and not the use of intrusive cameras. Personally I keep an open mind but I believe my IBS is "real" and not other potential problems.
I now believe that other things could trigger or contribute to my IBS episodes.
I have not yet gone down the route of an elimination diet but have today (22/1/24) started a symptom diary. This follows my recent episode this weekend, IBS-D followed by IBS-C when I took 2mg of oral dispersible loparamide hydrochloride (20/1/24). Things appear to be more of less back to "normal" today 😊
I believe onions might be a culprit 😝.
What is peoples' experience of onions?
Even more important, as a 3 mugs / day guy, what is peoples' experience with coffee?
Any thoughts, especially regarding coffee?
Take care and enjoy life!
PS Anyone tried the sourdough spelt bread recipe on the IBS Network website? During lockdown, I developed a love - hate relationship when I tried to make sourdough 🙄