Had pain on& off on lower left side for months, had antibiotics for flare up of diverticulitis. Loose stools abt 3 times a day(like cow pat).Blood test show high esr levels (inflammation) Now have to have 2 week rule colonoscopy.
Colonoscopy: Had pain on& off on lower left side... - IBS Network

The good thing about having a colonoscopy is that you will normally be given the results, or a best guess if biopsies are taken, as soon as the procedure is finished. In the meantime don't worry (yeah!), keep well and stay safe.
I am currently going through this i just had my esr and cmp results which where slightly higher One was 27 and the cut off was 22 and think the other other was 22 cut off was 20 . But there saying there not too worried , But need to contact my doc next week .. its good your getting a colonoscopy. Tht will hopefully get you the answers or some relief …. Don’t worry atall its out your reach the now but stay safe keep s posted xxx
Fybo me too! Am not looking forward to it. Feel like I'm being railroaded into something I don't want to do! I wanted to see a gastroenterologist but NHS have insisted on the colonoscopy under the 2 week rule, which is admirable but not what I want! Thinking of every reason why to cancel, but I guess it's worth it. I'm so stressed about it though that it's making my symptoms much worse!!