Has anyone had itchy anus for 2 or more years? I have normalbowels color now again but last few days have non stop pain for 4 days.. burni g lower period pain no period and travels up top trapped wind i had a red bm but havent had one since ate red grapes but unsure grapes can make a stool red. But pain started after grapes i think. I have a colonoscopy tom and non stop thinking they will tell me i have the c word. Im terrified to say the least. Im 36.
Colonoscopy coming: Has anyone had itchy anus... - IBS Network
Colonoscopy coming

The good thing about colonoscopies is that the results are pretty much immediate. I think this will relieve most of your anxiety.
Ot doesnt because im afraid of the bad news itselfm
The Colonoscopy, you won't feel a thing..it takes about 1/2 hour. They also now have virtual Colonoscopy's or capsule Colonoscopy, where you swallow a capsule with a tiny camera in it. But the Colonoscopy, you don't feel a thing as you are asleep the whole time. The worst part is fasting and prep. They were going to put me on the awful Miralax (GoGyletly) prep with the huge jug and powder, but I said "no way" so they prescribed me Supprep bowel kit, insurance will pay for it, and it's just two tiny 6oz bottles, lemon lime flavored, and it actually tastes white good. I only needed one small bottle to clean me out. No cramping, very easy, no huge jugs or awful powder. I have had two, and had General Anesthesia, but I had to ask for anti-nausea drugs after procedure as I get neausea from Anesthesia. They gave me results day after. I also have bleeding, but from internal and external hemmorhoids. They found two polyps, biopsied, no cancer.
Good luck for your colonoscopy today. Fingers crossed everything is ok x
I can say that the C word in that area is very treatable and as you have not had any pain in that area before it may be an intestinal infection of some kind. But, the medication they give you to take before your colonoscopy can have an ongoing affect after the procedure. My husband had one in May this year, on his birthday of all days, and the medication continued working long after the procedure, so just a wee heads up there. The procedure is not painful, just a wee bit uncomfortable, but the worst part, is seeing it on the screen while it's happening. That's what my hubby said anyway. I wish you all the luck, and just try to relax. If, it's C it is very manageable, and as you are still young, your body will be more able to cope with treatment, so think positive. xxx
You need to think positively and believe that you will be just fine. I know that is hard knowing you are going in for that procedure, but if you have a positive outlook, no matter the result, you will be able to deal with whatever comes. xx I'll say a wee prayer for you.
Hatd as im obsessed and foxated on the bad.