New worrying symptoms after H Pylori treatment - IBS Network

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New worrying symptoms after H Pylori treatment

mdox profile image
24 Replies

Hi guys

It has been almost a week since I've stopped the one week triple therapy for H Pylori infection. I feel terrible and have new symptoms that are a little bit worrying. I know it can take some time for all my symptoms to clear up, but I am worried about some new symptoms I've been having since coming off the antibiotics. I have been having very frequent bowel movements (3/4 times a day) and each time I go, it is extremely painful. It feels like I'm passing glass, it's so sharp and painful. Also, when I do go to pass stool, I feel a little bit constipated which is odd, since I'm having frequent bowel movements. The colour is also different now, it looks like a yellowish brown with pieces of food? I'm a little worried and not sure what to do.

My symptoms initially were dyspepsia, acid reflux, very gassy, pulsating/bubbling feeling around my upper stomach/chest area and constant pain in both the upper and lower left part of my stomach (I suspect the lower left is due to diverticular). Whilst I was on the antibiotics + PPI, my dyspepsia and acid reflux stopped, but the other symptoms have not cleared up. However, the acid reflux came back as soon as I stopped the treatment, which is worrying.

Please let me know if you've had a similar experience or have any advice.

P.S. how long should I wait before getting a test again to check if the infection is gone?

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mdox profile image
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24 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

If you are not under the care of a gastroenterologist, you should be. A specialist would be able to give you some answers and a more detailed diagnosis. This would help with your symptoms and your understandable worrying.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to b1b1b1

Hey, thanks for the reply. I'm not currently under a gastroenterologist but should definitely ask my gp to refer me. Thank you x

Sorry you’re experiencing discomfort. I’m two days away from finishing a 14 day h pylori treatment. I’ve been nauseous pretty much every day.

What did you take for the treatment? Did you have any side effects? Did you stop the PPI or did you wean off?

You are supposed to wait at least four weeks prior to retesting and cannot take any PPI prior to taking the test. Did your physician not explain this to you? Sometimes I feel like we are left to figure everything out on own and it’s disappointing.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to

Hi thank you for the reply! How is your treatment going so far?

I took clarithromycin, amoxicillin and a ppi for 7 days (6 antibiotics + 2 ppi a day). I took them all at the same time every day. I had many side effects, it was a horrible horrible week, was vomiting a lot the first day and then just kept getting waves of nausea (that still hasn't settled down yet), diarrhoea, fatigue, lower back pain, couldn't sleep at all and also had no appetite.

No my doctor did not tell me that - thank you! All I got was a text message saying your test was positive, go and collect your meds. That was it, had to figure out on my own how and when to take the antibiotics etc., my GP is so useless.

in reply to mdox

I found this on line regarding retesting:

Serology for H. pylori can remain positive for months to years, and therefore, it cannot be used to confirm post-treatment eradication. There are two noninvasive tests that can be used as alternatives to endoscopy and biopsy: the urea breath test and the stool antigen test. Testing once is adequate, at least four to six weeks after treatment, and ideally off proton-pump-inhibitor therapy for one to two weeks and off any antibiotics or bismuth products for four weeks to avoid false-negative results.

This is pretty much what my doc has told me.

My treatment has been awful. Terribly nauseous every day. I’m literally counting the days until I’m finished!! I’m taking probiotics along with the treatment. Hoping that will help rebuild the good bacteria in my gut.

Are you still on PPIs? My doc will wean me off. Stopping abruptly can cause acid to rebound.

I’m sorry the nausea has stayed with you. It’s a terrible feeling.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to

Ahh that explains why the acid reflux has come back as soon as I stopped the treatment, I'm not on PPI at the moment, just taking probiotics.

Also I did a stool test initially to test for the infection, I think that's what my GP will make me do that again to check if it's been eradicated. I can do this in 4 weeks right?

Two more days and it'll be over!! You've got this.

in reply to mdox

That very well could explain it. My doc says it’s important to wean off of the PPI. Yes, you can do the stool test in 4-6 weeks after you finish the treatment.

OMGOSH, 14 days has been a nightmare. This is my third time trying. The first was many years ago and I quit treatment ( I know, dumb!) because of side effects. Six years ago, tried again but it didn’t work. This time, a culture of the bacteria was done by taking a sample during endoscopy. They were able to see what the bacteria was resistant to and prescribe what SHOULD work. Keeping my fingers crossed. Hope yours is gone too!! Keep us posted.

It’s going to take many months before you make a gradual recovery. You need to be patient and eat little and often. Ask for an endoscopy as a re test. Book it now so that it gives you time. You need to be on the ppi for 8 weeks then off them for another 2 weeks before any re test

Remember ppi 6-8 weeks to help the gut repair. Off ppi for at least 2 weeks before any test. ( not blood test) stool, breath or endoscopy. I would recommend endoscopy as this also looks for any ulcers you may or might have. A mot if you like. They will take a pinch sample from the gut and test it with you results before you leave

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to

Thank you for the reply! I've not been prescribed PPI after my one week treatment unfortunately, I'll ask my GP about this asap, as well as the endoscopy.

in reply to mdox

6-8 weeks ppi is standard for h pylori treatment

Vps1980 profile image

It will be rebound acid, try to eat alkaline foods, also be careful with probiotics as some feed bad bacteria

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Vps1980

Hey thanks so much for the response, do you think it's best I watch my diet to help with the acid rebound or go back on PPIs?

Vps1980 profile image
Vps1980 in reply to mdox

I think long term ppis cause bacteria build up, I would personally try to do it naturally

Lils928 profile image

I completed a 2nd quadruple treatment almost 3 weeks ago and I’m miserable. I’ve developed horrible heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, my stomach is tender and constantly gurgling. I’m getting scared and worried too about my new symptoms too.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Lils928

Sorry to hear that :( The treatment was so rough, but I hope we start to feel better soon. It's been getting worse for me since I last posted this, my gums have started swelling up and it's very painful to eat anything, there's a new yellow coating on my tongue as well. I went to the dentist yesterday and they said I have no dental issues, so I'm assuming I'm still experiencing new symptoms from those bloody antibiotics.

Dizzypants profile image

Hi just wondering how your feeling now, I finished my triple treatment for h pylori 2 weeks ago, felt better for a few days but the past week my stomach has started playing up again, my dr sounds like yours just rung me up told me I’ve tested positive for h pylori and collect my prescription at my local pharmacy which I did, but was not prescribed no extra ppi, a lot of ppl told me I need to take ppi for 4 weeks after to give my stomach time to heal, was you told this?

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Dizzypants

Hey, it's been three weeks now post triple therapy and I still feel pretty awful. The acid reflux, abdominal pain etc. haven't improved for me unfortunately. Sorry your doctor is useless like mine, I didn't even get a call they just sent me a text message!

And yes, I did also read the same thing - apparently we are supposed to be on PPI for a few weeks post treatment. I have just been using gaviscon occasionally to help with the acid but that's about it. Are you thinking go re-testing yourself in a few weeks? I will be so gutted if the bacteria still hasn't been eradicated.

Dizzypants profile image
Dizzypants in reply to mdox

I spoke to my dr on Monday she said I will prescribe you some ppi for 4 weeks take them and also take gaviscon . I told her I had really bad pain in my lower right and thought it was my appendix she said no it’s probably just trapped wind and acid, she don’t even wanna see me, I’m scared I have something serious but she said my blood tests come back all perfect apart from h pylori. Can h pylori really be this painful . ? I will demand another blood test after 4 weeks if no better that’s for sure as it’s not fair suffering

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Dizzypants

I hope the PPIs are helpful. You can ask them to prescribe Famotidine if you don't want to use the PPIs just before you get retested again, apparently it's supposed to be helpful.

My Dr is the same! I have left sided pain and have had this for two years now but she's putting it down to HP or IBS. What blood test are you planning on doing?

Dizzypants profile image
Dizzypants in reply to mdox

They gave me a full blood test and that’s where it showed up with h pylori ? How did you get tested for h pylori? Have you got Ibs as well?

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Dizzypants

I did a stool test, and yeah apparently I have IBS. I worry it's something else though.

Dizzypants profile image

I’m thinking I have Ibs but I don’t have the constipation or diarrhea, I can go a few days without going etc but I have all the other symptoms, my dr tells me stress could cause all my problems and I know she’s right but when your in pain and she won’t even see me face to face or even feel my stomach etc it makes me worry that I have something more serious than just h pylori or is h pylori really bad

Aysh666 profile image

Hi there ... I see this post is some time ago .. I am in the same situation now and just wondered how this went and how you are getting on now ... hopefully it has all cleared up for you!

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