Ive posted lots in the past year regarding my ibs-d* that was intermittent after antibiotics one year ago. I've suffered for 12 months straight jumping from ibs d* to c* but must confess have mostly been regular and normal since Feb. I also haven't taken an Imodium in over 3 months. For some reason why though, this week Ive been very constipated.. Ive cut out white bread and switched to wholemeal and eaten more salad (tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and spinach) aswell as eating stewed vegetables and potatoes. However, Im still eating my chocolate and cookies but these dont seem to bother me in terms of pain or bloating... Today when I went to the supermarket I had very very intense pelvic gas pain ive never experienced before which happened a few times for a full 5mins. I went to the bathroom and it was hard and made up of solid rocks (familiar). Im due on in a week but dont normally get ibs symptoms until im on my first day... Is this normal for ibs c?
Excruciating gas pain: Ive posted lots in the... - IBS Network
Excruciating gas pain

Good evening,
Sorry you’re suffering I’m still trying to figure out if I have IBS or not. I noticed you commented about something with anabiotic’s. Can I ask what is this something trigger after taking antibiotics?
I started taking anabiotic’s about two years ago often on for A UTI that was actually chronic prostatitis. The symptoms have come and gone so I’ve been on and off antibiotics. And now I have this heaviness in my lower abdomen I can’t tell if it’s bloatedness or not I think it is though. So basically the question is what is your trigger by anabiotic’s do you think?
Antibiotics are ment to kill bad bacteria.
Unfortunately they kill good bacteria to.
Overuse of antibiotics can also cause leaky gut.
It's best to take a course of proboitics while on antibiotics like optibac, as they replace the good bacteria.
Yes, I've read on here that it's advisable to take prebiotics after taking antibiotics, to replace the good bacteria that is supposed to be in the gut. And that sounds very plausible to me. In fact, I have recently started taking them. But neither my NHS dentist nor my GP has ever advised me to take prebiotics (or probiotics) after my courses of antibiotics! Maybe if they had, I would not have ended up with crippling IBS
I know it's unfair they just leave us.
Unfortunately they class supplements as alternative medicine.
Like enzymes or powder mixes with marshmallow root, l glutamine, chicory root etc.
Its unfortunate as some would benefit from certain supplements depending on what causes their symptoms.
Small rock type stools are signs of constipation,
I wouldn't recommend eating chocolate or cookies at all.
Sugar, wheat, fillers, can cause constipation.
You most likely have SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
The most common symptoms of SIBO include:
Abdominal pain/discomfort.
Bloating and abdominal distention.
Constipation (generally associated with methanogens)
Gas and belching.
I have this as well as IBS-C. Often people with IBS-C also suffer from SIBO. I am taking an herbal medicine (Biocidin) to help cure it. You should also switch to the low FODMAP diet.
You probably killed off all the good bacteria in your gut with the antibiotics and now have a perfect breeding ground for bad bacteria in your intestines to grow with nothing to fight them off.