Hi, For over two years now i've had the above symptoms mainly after eating, but they can come on even when i've not eaten.
To be honest i was convinced i had a gallbladder problem, but all my tests have come back normal. I've had to fight and push for everything and waited six months to see a gastro twice. The 1st gastro ordered a an abdo ultrasound and ct scan of the torso, abdo and pelvis which can back normal and tried to discharge me. I had to fight and push for months then had a liver mri and mrcp which came back normal. After waiting to see a gastro for another six months (he was great) i asked for a HIDA scan which i thought would show it was my gallbladder but it came back normal. I also had another ultrasound and that came back normal.
During this two+ year ordeal i've also had bloods taken 6 times that have all been normal, endoscoply which was normal and this new gastro also took three stool samples, one for inflammation, one for pancreas and one for blood that have all come back normal.
I've tried colofac, mebeverin to no effect and this new gastro has advised me to try peppermint so i've bought some colpermin.
The gastro is chalking it upto IBS or something functional with my bowel but i don't have D or C. So my question is everytime i eat i get the symptoms in the title but it's the right rib pain that bothers me most as sometimes it's like someone sticking a knife in me. CAN YOU HAVE IBS WITHOUT D OR C AND CAN ALL THE PAIN BE UPPER RIGHT SIDE/RIBS?
I also feel weak and tired all the time.
Many Thanks