hi everyone since gp diagnosed me with ibs, ive tried to carry on with my normal eating habits, apart from eating custard which gives me instant stomach pain and dioreah so im staying away from that, unusually enough since i was diagnosed the less i thought about it and the pain sort of disapeard, until last weekend i went out with friends drank wine with lemonade and had a takeaway the day after, the pains come back in right side, tight feeling under right rib, ive recently stopped taking my anti d's so im trying not to worry myself and start to panic, any support from anyone would be lovely, lynsey
pain started again!: hi everyone since gp... - IBS Network
pain started again!

Hi usual triggers are fizzy, fried, spicy, dairy, citrus fruits, for some alcohol and smoking. I had to give up all of the above including takeaways as they were too greasy. Tomatoes can be an issue. It's different for everyone and its a process of elimination. I can't even drink tap water as its to high in calcium
i lynne thanks fro replying, i think my main worry is that i havent been diagnosed right! ive had an ultra sound scan where they checked for gall stones but nothing was found, i think i would of felt better if they had found a stone! also my pain hurts if i move or turn over in bed, lynsey
Hi linzi,
Have a look at ileocecal valve syndrome, this may help you.
Thanks for everyones comments ive never had indÏgestion befo®e and the only heartburn i get is since my gp percribed më pËppermiÑt oil capsules so ive stopped taking them really dont know what to think i might go back to gp this week see what she says, the thing is the pains i get are not really pains its more discomfort which comes and goes and i cant see a real pattern forming with food , also for the last 2 weeks im back to normal going to toilet? Lynsey
Thanks for everyones comments ive never had indÏgestion befo®e and the only heartburn i get is since my gp percribed më pËppermiÑt oil capsules so ive stopped taking them really dont know what to think i might go back to gp this week see what she says, the thing is the pains i get are not really pains its more discomfort which comes and goes and i cant see a real pattern forming with food , also for the last 2 weeks im back to normal going to toilet? Lynsey
As a thirty year sufferer from IBS I certainly understand what a struggle it is to cope with this condition. The symptoms and causes are so varied and changeable it's very difficult
to treat the symptoms alone and I've learnt over the years to take a holistic approach, this has finally lead me to a place where my IBS is currently under control and I'm living a full life again. I would suggest the following as a holistic and lifestyle approach to the condition......
Firstly and most importantly get a proper diagnosis of IBS, in my case my doctor referred me to a gastroenterologist and I had a raft of tests to rule out any underlying medical causes. Once they could found no medical issues I was diagnosed with IBS .
If you can afford it join a self help group such as the IBS network for support and information and in my experience I really needed both.
Research: you are already doing this by posting your question, Unfortunately as a typical young guy I tried to ignore my condition, especially as I was told it was all in my mind.This led to many years of unhappiness until desperation finally forced me into self help. Research into my symptoms led me to the following......... leaky gut syndrome...which can cause food intolerences and all sorts of other digestive issues which then led me to the four r's approach
The four r's
Remove, replace , re-innoculate and repair. Along with that Iwould add relax as I suffered from anxiety and stress, a great deal of which was caused by the IBS itself ! I researched this approach and implemented into my life along with relaxation techniques.This approach helped me greatly.
Remember that we are all different and to tailor your self help to you.Also within your self help approach you may find one particular element that is a silver bullet and leads to a drastic improvement in your condition. In my case this was taking vitamin B12,for you it may be something else.
I apologise for the length of this post and also if I don't reply to questions ( just don't have the time at the moment ) you may also find this same answer to other questions on the board as I feel I needed to share my experience. Please remember there is HOPE that you can control this condition