IBS without D or C: Hi Everyone i'm new. I've... - IBS Network

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IBS without D or C

Matthewr73 profile image
14 Replies

Hi Everyone i'm new.

I've been having stomach troubles for 18 months my GP has told me you can have IBS without D or C. Is he talking rubbish?

My symptoms are nausea, pain between shoulder blades, severe bloating, lower left stomach pain, lower right stomach pain which extends up to bottom of ribs, occassional mucus, lots of wind from the bottom end that starts about an hr after eating, pressure and pain at the top of my stomach an hr after eating.

I've had my gallbladder thoroughly checked and going for an endoscopy in a couple of weeks.

So IBS without D or C? Is that possible?


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Matthewr73 profile image
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14 Replies
Dani09 profile image

Hi Matthew

I’m sorry to hear your struggles, unfortunately i feel IBS is so easily diagnosed when the doctors don’t know the real reason. Everyone seems to know someone with it! There are different types and different triggers and it takes time to find out how manage yours.

Have you tried an elimination diet, it’s sounds like you could have formed an intolerance. The GP can refer you to someone to help with this if needed.

I hope you find some relief soon

Linley profile image


I am no Doctor but have not heard of IBS with or without D or C

Believe your GP should eliminate other possibilities by giving you blood and stool tests what ever he /she deems would be appropriate

you can have the cramps, pain, bloating etc etc with the d or c....

i found this on HU healthunlocked.com/theibsne...

Eastbourne11 profile image

There is a blood test for IBS, get your dr., to do one.

Helenbperks profile image

Mathew, you could be experiencing symptoms of SIBO, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, a parasite, bacteria, a yeast overgrowth?

There are many different reasons you could be experiencing these symptoms and finding the root cause is key.

Let me know if I can help any further. I am a registered nutritional therapist and deal with gut issues all of the time.

Good luck!

Stupid_poos profile image
Stupid_poos in reply to Helenbperks

Hello! I have recently been diagnosed with SIBO and have had NO medical support. I have done lots of online research but nothing has been helpful so far. Any quick win ideas? PLEEEEASE! x

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Stupid_poos

Yes u have to kill sibo/ candida, it bad bacteria in ur gut.

I got mine through copious amounts of antibiotics, killed all the good bacteria just left me with candida /sibo which was awful.

So the way u got to see it is as a garden(gut) it had all lovely flowers in it and was lush and green then some sprinkled weed killer on everything and now i brown and dead so u have to water it and re grow it.

So bad bacteria loved yeast, sugar and anykind of funghi( mushrooms)

So u need To kill it...

For 6 weeks i ate no sugar! Only water, no fruit( has sugar in it) and i just ate all boring food, it chicken and veg.

I also took really strong probiotics with all different types of bacterias as each one kills certain elements of candida and some digestive enzymes. Some tablets called “ dida” from holland and barratt there natural they have all the herbs that kill candida/sibo.

Also i didnt eat any gluten or dairy.

It only 6 weeks but mine was pretty quick, after 2 weeks i got so much better and i could see it dying out in my poop(TMI) and by 6 weeks it had

Totally gone.

I have stuck to some of it.. no processed food, no sugar( not much) and no gluten/dairy. As i feel so much better of it all.

I lost 2 stone and feel so much more healthier.

It a quick thing if u stick to it ur notice difference within 2 weeks

Stupid_poos profile image
Stupid_poos in reply to Lulububs

Thank you!!!! Did you get any support with that or just figure it out yourself? I already don’t have dairy but do have gluten. I went gf for a month a year ago and it made no difference - so I didnt carry on with it.

So you feel better now? 6 weeks is def do-able. Did you cut out alcohol too (sugars etc)? X

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Stupid_poos

Yep alcohol all sugar, all yeast, no breads, no dough. Just ate really clean,

Loads chicken and turkey and veg. Crispbread and hummus

No fruit at all as the fructose in it feeds candida/sibo.

Loadsa good probiotics.

No squashes or fizzy drinks just water ! Or mint teas or tea.

U just got to starve it of what it lives on.

Garlic, swede, turnips, oregano it hates all that. I cant eat them as have ibs so i take the dida tablet which has all that in it.

Ive been gluten and dairy over year now and just would never eat it again. I can tell when i have eaten some gluten , i feel sick my stomach bloats i get windy💨💨lol.

Yeh 6 weeks i did it and it just died off.

I saw a nutrionalist who basically told me what to do but it all online! It not hard.

U must stick to it or it just wont work... any little bit of sugar or yeast u feed it will just make it thrive u literally have to starve it of what it likes.

Stupid_poos profile image
Stupid_poos in reply to Lulububs

Thank you. Urgh. It sounds horrible! Lol. What a lot to cut out. Well done you though to do that. Yes, I can’t have garlic either. How do you know for sure that you also have IBS if you have SIBO? I keep hoping its just the SIBO I have and not IBS as well - hard to tell between the two x

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Stupid_poos

As i always had ibs, always had bad stomach since i was a child couldnt eat certain things always constipated then id b doubled up in pain if ate something.

Then the candida came after a bout of antibiotics, it totally different, u feel very ill all time and i couldnt eat anything without clearing it out 5

Mins later! I also had no energy, had massive headache and my poo had gone whiteish and stringy! It smelt weird like yeast. I lost so much weight i got tested for stomach cancer then saw a naturopath who knew what is was straight away.

Candida /sibo is worse then ibs. Ur ill all time.

Stupid_poos profile image
Stupid_poos in reply to Lulububs

That is helpful - thank you!! I def would like to see someone about it. Had my hospital follow up today which was completely unhelpful. They have run out of suggestions for me. They dont even seem convinced about the SIBO diagnosis!

So you saw a naturopath?

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Stupid_poos

Yeh he was a allergist and a naturopath and he had actually had candida himself.

So he knew all symptons as soon as i said it...

At end of day 6 weeks of doin it anyway will get rid of anything u got it will b like a detox and make ur stomach bacteria strong and healthy so what have u got to lose.

It totally changed my life. I would never go back to eating like i did and i learnt how healthy my body is now even my ibs has gone from bad to non existant ... so it not a bad thing to do.

The thing is with candida/sibo gp and drs dont really recognise it and they wont treat it so it case of u treating it urself or just put up with it.

If they do treat it they only give u antifungal or antibiotics which feeds the candida anyway! Ur get worse

Helenbperks profile image

Hi Mathew,

So sorry to hear you have SIBO! You May wish to consider following a 5 ‘R’ gut protocol - REMOVE the offender, Replace any nutrients, digestive enzymes etc, Repair the gut as the bacteria in the small intestine may have reduced your gut integrity through damaging the gut mucosa and causing inflammation, Reinoculate, slowly introducing pre and probiotics in order to Rebalance your gut microbiota. Gut microbiota has a big role to play in achieving optimal health. You should not reinoculate before removing the offender in SIBO otherwise you may exacerbate your symptoms. The process of Rebalancing the gut should include looking at lifestyle factors such as sleep, relaxation, exercise, stress levels...

As a Registered NutritionalTherapist I always use this 5 ‘R’ gut protocol on my clients, but each client receives different recommendations within the protocol in line with THEIR case history and THEIR lifestyle factors - a patient-centred approach, not a “one size fits all”.

I hope this helps and I wish you a speedy recovery.

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