Hi I've had IBS -C for over 18 years but recently it has become excruciating. I have just had the worst Christmas as i was doubled over in pain. Ive had all the tests and they still say ibs. I've been offered sertraline but ive read its only helpful to ibs- d sufferers...is that true? I have come through a lot of trauma these past 3 years so need to try something.
Pain getting worse offered Sertraline - IBS Network
Pain getting worse offered Sertraline

I have been on sertraline for a year now to help with menopause related anxiety. It has not affected bowls one way or the other but anxiety has evaporated. I feel normal. If you do decide to try sertraline you have to take it for quite a while to get the desired effect. I felt nauseous for several weeks then a bit spaced out then I just feel ok like I use to
In some cases IBS is a symptom of fibromyalgia. IF that is the case you may find amitriptyline could help. It helped me but sertraline just made me feel very spaced out.
SSRIs are not helpful for IBS pain.
Sertraline can cause diarrhoea, so your doctor might be the thinking of using the drug for one of its side effects. Your doctor may not know about drugs like Linaclotide, which are specifically for IBS-C and pain. Only my gastroenterlogist was aware of it. Further info about IBS pain and treatments here:
Alflorex probiotic also helped me greatly with my IBS pain.
Interesting reading this post… certainly agree that a diagnosis of IBS is of necessity (at the moment at least) a diagnosis of exclusion. This can leave many people completely in the dark when it comes to treating it, or being treated for it… but I do have quite a bit of sympathy for GP’s because they are under so much pressure time-wise these days, and IBS can be extremely difficult to treat since everyone’s experience of it - and subsequent response to the various treatments - appears to be unique.
Just out of interest, is the “ibs researcher” website yours…? And are you feeling / managing your symptoms any better these days..?
Thanks in advance!
Yes. ibsresearcher.com is my website which I launched before Christmas.
Like many people I'd come to the end of the road regarding moving forward with my symptoms and ended up doing my own research, which I've captured on the website to share with others. This was in the hope that some might improve their symptoms quicker and avoid some of the mistakes I made.
Currently I would regard my symptoms as 'managed'. The pain, in the main (though it does come back now and then) is controlled and I use fibre and ginger extract now for BMs.
However, my biggest gripe, which affects a lot of people is still having remaining food intolerances, so I am not able to eat as I used to before IBS, in particular many healthful vegetables and foods containing mannitol, though I eat as a diverse a diet as I am able outside of that. This has stopped me eating out due to the hassle involved, I can only go self catering if on holiday and I always have to cook for myself. I have to remind myself that I used to be in a far worse position and at one point was unable to leave the house. Plus my current diet is more healthy and no where near as restrictive as it used to be.
Thanks for your reply… I think I inadvertently posted this comment in the wrong thread (doh!) so I might cut and paste it into where it was intended.
I’m glad your symptoms are better - or at least managed/manageable - and I will have a look at your website to see if I can pick up any handy tips.
Do you still take any medication at all (if you don’t mind me asking!?)
There’s clearly a lot of people out there still suffering, and any resource where somebody has documented their own experiences for the benefit of others has got to be a good thing. Well done. 👍