Since August i have had reflux, feeling full, no appetite and lost weight, tummy ache and bloated all the time. Could this be IBS?
Bloated Stomach: Since August i have had reflux... - IBS Network
Bloated Stomach

In all honesty, from your description, you could have anything wrong with you. IBS or IBD can only be diagnosed by a doctor, and normally a GI (Gastro-intestinal) consultant. If you have any reason to feel you have problems please contact your GP in the first instant. Good luck and keep us posted.
Hi. So far i have had an Endosopy, Ct Colonoscopy, Colonoscopy, Calprotectin stool test, blood tests. All normal. The specialist at the beginning said i might have post infectious IBS
Okay, it would have saved you a long wait, if you had posted this information before. If everything has come back as NAD (nothing abnormal discovered), then IBS, certainly, looks the most likely diagnosis. I apologise if I appear to be a bit abrupt, but sometimes, it appears the writer wants a diagnosis of a horrible illness, without having tests, and unfortunately, the only way to diagnose IBS, is to rule out everything else, except the symptoms are still there. Good luck and welcome to the club that nobody should want to belong to.
Have you tried a private breath test for SIBO? Sounds very similar. Youd need to get one that tests for methane and hydrogen x
Is your predominant symptom constipation or diarrhea or both or normal bowel movements? I have IBS-C (constipation dominant) and used to also suffer from reflux - this was potentially due to food hanging around in my system longer than it should leading to a build up of gases, which puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (between your stomach and you throat) which weakens it and then allows acid to leak back into your throat. Since I had IBS some foods made me more gassy than others and made my symptoms worse until I followed a low fodmap diet. However, I have read papers that say that people who are bloated don't necessarily have more gas in their system, they have slow transit of gas (i.e. it hangs around for longer), which then causes the bloating. Have you been referred to a dietitian to take you through the fodmap diet?
Hi my bowel movements are normal. No i haven't been referred to a dietician.

More info on IBS symptoms here