is it normal to be bloated constantly for 2 weeks
bloated : is it normal to be bloated constantly... - IBS Network

No and it's important to identify the cause which may have nothing to do with IBS.
I’m always bloated, it’s often very painful and sometimes disabling. It’s been particularly bad for the past few months and I’ve tried everything…simethicone, charcoal, mint tea, massage ( helps a bit), to no avail. Too arthritic for yoga, sadly. It reduces after my bowels have opened but increases after eating almost anything, and drinking, even water, has the same effect. I follow a strict gluten free and Fodmap diet too. My gastro team are very sympathetic and are not worried but can offer nothing more, I’ve had every test there is… mindfulness meditation helps a bit…sometimes?
Thanks for your reply bless you I follow a gluten and dairy free diet but doesn’t seem to help I sort of follow the fodmap diet but it is very restrictive
I have recently been diagnosed with IBS. I follow a gluten free, lactose free diet and suffer from pain and bloating on a regular basis. I restrict alcohol to a minimum. I take a probiotic for three to four weeks then have a break as advised by my gastro. Good days and bad days but I now feel that there is no "one solution fits all" and I am trying to accept this will be long term. Good luck everyone, it helps to know I am not alone.
Have you tried Probiotics?
Ive had bloating since I developed diverticultis in 2018 and has never gone . I also suffer with IBS and yes ive tried everything and i mean everything , probiotics,gluten free,peppermint tea, peppermint capsules, miso, the list is to long to put here. Again when i open my bowel there is some relief but after eating starts again . I had CT colonoscopy and only diverticular disease and some hernias . Iam having surgery on hernias later this year but the consultant surgen says bloating has nothing to do with the hernias and its just functioning bloating to do with food however so far ive been unable to identify what foods this is despite trying for years . Ive just learned to live with it now as no matter what ive tried nothing works. So i can understand anyone who is going through the same thing
I would check it out with doc .Bloating can be from causes that need medical attention tho mine was always from IBS and slow transit time . I have had daily bloating for most days a month over years and years before starting Fodmap diet ( see You Tube and articles from search engine on Monash university fodmaps) and using Fodzyme enzymes . I also use a German liquid OTC solution by Bayer Co ( as in maker of Bayer aspirin) : Iberogast . It helps a lot! I now have only a day or two a month of bloating .