Hello I'm a 62 year old male, reasonable health. no stomach issues
Recently had been a bit windy for months, but nothing else.
Then on a Wednesday a couple weeks ago, I suddenly felt a bit bloated and unwell which got worse during the day . It was quite bad by late evening. (Only thing I did differently was eat 3 medium oranges that day in succession) I mention it as its the only thing I did differently
Overnight the pain subsided a bit , next morning I did have a little diarrhea, but nothing dramatic, had small breakfast but experienced pain and bloating again maybe 15 mins after eating, subsided over 30-40 mins when I went for a walk, just left with background pain/bloat
Over the next few days I had tummy pain, unusual from previous experienced, on occasion it almost felt like a wound in stomach ?
For the next week or so I have still had some pain and bloating usually after eating (I have limited my food ), this is not normal. Rest of the day is spent with background pain and slight bloating
I have been belching more than normal, and my belly gurgles a lot more than it has previously.
One night I had food and maybe ate it a but quicker than I had recently , and thus caused more pain and bloating, not as bad as the original issue.
This situation is ongoing.
I have not been sick, bowels been OK in general, not seen any blood etc.
Did a home test for helicobacter which came back negative.
Not sure what it might be , can’t sea doctor for a month, as its not an emergency !
Anyone any thoughts /suggestions ? thanks 👍