Have been bloated all week so bad it hurts and the nausea is terrible is this normal for IBS ? I don’t really get the alternative bowel movements but this is awful
Bloated: Have been bloated all week so bad it... - IBS Network

I think it’s quite common, I have the same. The nausea might be from indigestion? I know that it can be terribly painful. Hope it gets better.
Perhaps something with lemon in might help- maybe warm water with lemon juice?
Thanks I will try that didn’t know indigestion was so bad with IBS
Ginger tea or fresh ginger piece maybe with a bit of sugar or honey (because it's hot on the mouth and eating it with a bit of honey seems to help that) might help the nausea. It might not work for the bloating, I don't know.
Plenty of over-the-counter meds you can take as well - simethicone, probiotics, osmotic laxatives , nausea pills ... I also find exercise, stress reduction, proper diet helps as well. I'm sure you already know all that. If not, there's plenty of posts here that get into that in detail.
If goes on for longer than a week, though, it might be a little more serious. I would definitely call my doc.
Hi, I get trapped wind in the early hours of the morning. A pharmacist recommended Windsetlers and I take it last thing at night. This seems to be helping.
I get similar problems and did a test which showed it was SIBO - small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Its not easy to treat though. Peppermint tea sometimes helps me with nausea. Usually after a day or even half a day of not eating as much it settles down again but I still get it regularly. As its been going on a week, I'd get it checked out.
Use Meclizine, Dramamine, or Driminate for nausea and bloating. This will calm your intestines, pass the gas, and cure the nausea.
Try researching and going on a low histamine diet it is making my life better
My daughter had same symptoms for years and was told it was IBS. She actually had endometriosis and it was in her bowels.
I have the same problem, nausea belching. I think some of the meds I'm taking and stress are causing it. I often get a wrenching feeling where I can't belch, it's awful.
I have the same thing right now! Ugh!!
Its normal for me , and I agree it makes you feel bad , don't want to bother with anything ,hopefully things will improve soon xx