Hi everyone, I had an abcess in my Ileum 20 yrs ago, i had surgery after 6months of agony! Then diagnosed with IBS. I am now going through something very different to usual IBS symptoms. Started about 14 days ago, bloated sore intestine also sudden onset reflux, stools were soft and mucous. Going 3-4 times a day and am usually a once a day girl, now mucous only diahroea bown and yukky sorry TMI. I can't leave the house as glued to the loo! Ok if i don't eat but i am now weak as a kitten, i care for my 95yr old parents so need to get sorted. Has anyone suffered with this condition? Any help would be so much appreciated.
Bloated and sore tummy?: Hi everyone, I had an... - IBS Network
Bloated and sore tummy?

hi tamari as this is a sudden change in your symptoms, you need to see your doctor. Good luck, I hope you improve
Hi Jackie, yes have been suffering with bowel problems for many years. This is very different, have an urgent appointment today with my gp 🙏 a couple of weeks ago discharged from Gastroenterologist who diagnosed Sibo had a course of Rifaxamin worked a treat but this is different. Thank you for your reply.
sounds to me like you have bile acid malabsorption (bam for short). A lot of the time it is misdiagnosed as IBS. And quite common to get about gallbladder removal or surgery like yours. Look at bad-uk.org website where it explains what it is. I was misdiagnosed for 20 years. I was going to the toilet multiple times a day, spending hours on the toilet in the middle of the night, sometimes being sick at the same time due to bile. I am now on a drug called colesevelam which we call a binder medication. There is also a drug called colestyramine which is a sachet of powder you mix with water - your GP is able to prescribe the latter one as it’s used to reduce cholesterol and works for bam. Ask for a trial and if it helps then that is conclusive. The only other test is a sehcat scan but due to waiting lists they just tend to diagnose via a trial of meds now. Please get checked out because the nature is the condition means you’re not absorbing vitamins and long term that’s not good. I have to take many supplements because of this. Also what you eat will help. Low fat is a must but there are many other foods I cannot eat anymore. Anything raw, like salads, some fruits. No caffeine or alcohol. Artificial sweeteners cause diarrhoea too which are often found in diet foods and drinks.
Hi JRBking thank you for your reply, I have not heard od BAM. I do know with Hypothyroid you suffer with low acid. I think Sibo creates acid, last year gastro put me on Lansoprazole. Everything you have said is me, I struggle with salad, strawberries, apples coffee makes me feel nauseous and i am a caffeine junkie i drink one filter coffee a day. I will check out BAM. I have an urgent appointment with gp today 🙏
Good luck. If you go on to the web I mentioned there is some really good information about the condition that you could show your GP. I also had to take omeprazole for the acid for a few months and that sorted out my sickness. Basically there are foods that need more bile to digest - fats being the common one, so sticking to under 40grams a day helps, I don't like a lot of dairy anyway. But leaves, seeds and skins also need more bile, so having a healthy salad is actually a complete nightmare for me! I'm ok with bananas and small amounts of berries, but nothing citrus. I'm also ok with carrots and some greens, but I have to steam them as they're easier to digest. I don't drink tea/coffee but I know caffeine stimulates the bowel, plus as mentioned artificial sweeteners. So limiting/avoiding all those mentioned will help, along with binder meds. I lived on loperamide for many years before I got binders, and I still take them now.
Happy to report, gp took me seriously must say it makes a change progress ! And i have not been discharged from Gastro. I have two stool samples to do, one for cancer and prolactin ? that will be a challenge at the moment ! having blood test for cancer and inflammatory markers. 🤞 I will update when i get results. Thank you for your input.
that’s good. Yes it’s calprotectin checking for inflammatory issues like colitis, crohns and IBS. They have to rule everything out. I had those and a colonoscopy with biopsy. Still sounds like bam to me. Yes be interested to know the outcome. Good luck x
Hi Jbrking, results back Serum C Reactive protein normal and ESR normal does that rule out BAM?
that sounds pretty horrible, sorry you’re having a tough time of it at the moment. It’s stressful when you’re also having to look after elderly relatives. I hope your dr can help. Take care 🫂