Questions for anyone who suffered acid rebound... - IBS Network

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Questions for anyone who suffered acid rebound effect after PPI use, and eventually was free from acid reflux?

ifiweopfjwfjwef profile image
13 Replies

I could write a book about my experiences with this condition, but I'll try to be as concise as possible to keep you from getting bored halfway through!

After various stomach problems (constipation / diarrhea, and later on stomach pains / cramps) for about a year, that my doctor speculates are IBS-related, the doctor finally prescribed the PPI medication Omeprazole (20 mg) and told me to take "as needed", but no more than once a day. Note that the medication was only prescribed for my stomach pains and I didn't suffer from acid reflux. I took the medication sporadically, and didn't notice any improvement. Then someone told me to take it regularly for a couple weeks, so I started doing that for approx. 1 to 2 weeks. I had been told I didn't need to taper off the drug after eating it for less than 2 weeks.

Almost immediately (about 2 or 3 days after stopping it), I suffered really bad acid reflux for the first time in my life. I went for a couple days with this really bad reflux, then I couldn't take it any longer so I started the PPI's again. The reflux got better again after a day. I continued to take it for another 10 days, then I stopped it because I read so many horrible possible side effect from long term PPI use, and I didn't want to get trapped with the drug in case this was merely a acid rebound effect. I'm also suffering from very strong chronic anxiety and been diagnosed with a personality disorder which often causes me to worry about things to the point where I get panic attacks or feel sick / throw up. I really do not want to start eating a PPI drug if the problems in fact were caused by the drug itself! I know that if I was to go on PPI long term, I would constantly worry about the various side effects.

My last Omeprazoles were taken August 24 and since then I've gotten along with prescription free antacids (first Ranitidine but quickly switched to Pepcid a.k.a. Famotidine because I feel it's more effective). For starters I were forced to also a sodium bicarbonate "fizzle" type powder you mix with water, to be able to go on. I took it several times a day, plus before I went to bed. For the past week it seems the reflux is a little better, so I have been able to get along with only 2 x Famotidine a day and an extremely restrictive diet (low FODMAP foods and avoiding any dairy, gluten, wheat, and fatty / acidic foods). I still have heartburn, but the acid regurgitations aren't constant like before. They are however still present, because every now and then I get them, and I still feel the acid further down in my throat. In fact, sometimes I can use my esophagus muscles to "pull up" the acid into the back of my mouth. It still feels like an improvement, because a few weeks ago this was coming up chronically all day, without me doing anything.

I realize I didn't eat PPI for very long, but from what I understand, it is fully possible for some people to suffer acid rebound even from short term use. Also, it's highly unlikely that I suddenly, out of the blue, went from never having heartburn suddenly had chronic GERD overnight, and it conveniently happened just 2 days after stopping Omeprazole. It's too much of a coincidence.

So anyway, I'm interested to hear if anyone here did, or know of someone who did, go through acid rebound after short term PPI use? I would more specifically want to know:

1. How long were you on PPI (and what strength) and for how long did the acid rebound last?

2. Was the reflux the same all the way through, and then more or less suddenly just disappear, or did it gradually get better and better and finally it was gone?

I am hoping that the reason for it being better now than it was a month ago is because it's on its way going away, and not because I'm eating so restrictive food!

Some more information about me:

* I've already have had both a full gastrocopy EGD and colonoscopy without anything abnormal being found such as irritations, inflammations, tumors, hernias etc. Everything looked 100% normal. Biopsies were also taken to check for H. Pylori, Celiac and Chron's disease and all came back negative.

* I am 40 years old and I am not overweight. As a matter of fact, I'm underweight and been told by several doctors and dietitians I need to gain at least 10 pounds. For a while when the reflux was the worst and I basically stopped eating, I weighed under 130 pounds (i'm nearly 6 feet tall). I'm doing my best to gain weight but with the current restrictive diet it's nearly impossible. But after much work I managed to gain about 10 pounds so I weigh about 140 lbs now, but it's still not enough for my height. At best I can keep myself from losing more. What I'm trying to say the reflux is not due to obesity. I also don't (and never did) drink a drop of coffee or alcohol, and I've never smoked a single cigarette in my whole life. My food never was spicy.

* I asked for a hydrogen breath test to rule out SIBO, but the doctor said the hospitals in my country have stopped that test because it wasn't reliable enough. He did prescribe Rifaxamin antibiotics that I was welcome to take if I wanted to, so I am taking those right now just in case (started it today as a matter of fact). I'm going to take it for 2 weeks.

* They will eventually perform a 24-hour esophageal pH test to find out if the reflux is caused by excessive production of stomach acid or if it's so called functional reflux. I'm in line for this test but I am yet to get an appointment.

The reflux itself is bad enough. For a while it was so bad I almost considered suicide, but thankfully the condition is more manageable at the moment. However, having to stop eating basically EVERYTHING I love has taken away the very little spark of life left in me. So I am hoping that this horrible condition will go away on its own.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anything!

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13 Replies
ifiweopfjwfjwef profile image

I forgot one question:

3. Is low FODMAP diet supposed to be helpful even if the acid is caused from acid rebound effect?

I am so sorry your symptoms leaded to you wanting to end your life. How awful. I was on omeprazole 60mg for about 6years. It cause me to have terrible IBS. I tapered off and now I have heartburn and acid reflux. I find taking gaviscon helps. I take it at bed time and sometimes after dinner if the acid is bad. My situation is different from yours as I have a hiatus hernia so that must be causing the acid. It did not occur to be that it could be due to coming off omeprazole. I am unable to eat onion, garlic, tomato, lemon juice and other acidic foods but I find cooking food like potatoes in creamed coconut is an alternative.

I really hope both of us no longer have the awful acid reflux. I am sorry you are going through this.

ifiweopfjwfjwef profile image
ifiweopfjwfjwef in reply to

Thank you for your reply and for sharing your story. How long has it been since you stopped Omeprazole? I know hiatus hernia can cause development of reflux but do you feel the severity of the acid reflux is consistent or is it slowly getting better?

I hope we both (or everyone else) suffering from this awful condition can recover or improve and I'm also sorry for everyone who has to go through it. It's really terrible and it can really cripple a person, both physically and emotionally.

in reply to ifiweopfjwfjwef

I have been off it for about 10 days now so I guess it is still quite early. I do not feel the acid is getting any better but I really hope it does. It feels horrible. Thank you for your kind words.

You may find this helpful. It says it can take a month for symptoms to go after stopping a ppi.

ifiweopfjwfjwef profile image
ifiweopfjwfjwef in reply to

It's a little over two months since I initially stopped the medication, but then I went back on it after being off it for a few days because the reflux felt unbearable. When I finally stopped them altogether was August 24, so I've been 100% off the drug for 6 ½ weeks. I am however experiencing small improvements, I just hope it's due to the acid rebound going away and it's not only because I'm eating such restrictive food.

I feel very upset the doctor tricked me into eating Omeprazole without warning me about the possibilities of this happening. Had I known, I would never have taken it, especially since I didn't have acid reflux to start with.

in reply to ifiweopfjwfjwef

I am so sorry this happened to you. I do understand as I feel sad I was kept on it for 6years. It is meant to be a short term treatment. It is very encouraging to hear your acid is slowly not as bad as it once was.

Tashal73 profile image

Sorry to hear your story, our physical health really does impact on our mental health. I also suffer very severe GORD to the point that I can’t talk properly as the acid burns my throat. I have been off work for over two months now. Due to being a psychotherapist my voice is my job. It appears to have worse since having no Constella for my IBS which I haven’t been able to get hold of for over 6 months. I am prescribed the highest dose of Ranitidine but it doesn’t help. Three weeks ago I had the PH studies and Manometry tests, I’m currently awaiting my results, hoping I will be a candidate for the operation. I understand the frustration and pain it causes, physically and emotionally as my whole career could suffer if I’m unable to speak properly. I hope you get your tests done soon and get some answers. If you have any questions about the tests I’m happy to answer any questions.

ifiweopfjwfjwef profile image
ifiweopfjwfjwef in reply to Tashal73

I was also on Ranitidine at first but was switched to Famotidine because I felt Ranitidine didn't do much. Both are quite similar but I felt Famotidine worked a little better, at least for me. However, I'd still have quite bad acid reflux (especially at night, keeping me from going to sleep).

I guess you went through the same pH test that I'm currently waiting for to have, where they insert a hose through your nostril and down to the lower esophageal sphincter? I'm quite worried about the test as I've read it's so unpleasant. Even my doctor told me he felt I should only go through it if I absolutely had to, because the experience is so uncomfortable, but now we're running out of options and this is the only way to find out why I'm having the relux.

How did you experience the pH test? Was it really bad? Were you able to eat ok while you went through it and were you allowed any antacids at all during the 24 hours?

Tashal73 profile image
Tashal73 in reply to ifiweopfjwfjwef

It’s not that bad really, the PH test was the worst but. Having to swallow syringes of water only when she tells you. Which is difficult as your mouth builds up with saliva naturally. Then you have to eat some bread and Jam so she can check your swallow. This lasts about an hour. Then you have another tube inserted which you go home with, this is linked to a monitor which you wear like a bag. You have to record every time you eat, experience a symptom or take medication. After a while you forget it’s there. Overall it’s ok you will be fine x

Tashal73 profile image
Tashal73 in reply to Tashal73

You can have Gaviscon and painkillers but nothing else.

ifiweopfjwfjwef profile image
ifiweopfjwfjwef in reply to Tashal73

Oh I'm glad the one you have to go home with is not that bad! I was worried it would be difficult to eat while it's in there. Thank you so much for responding and I hope your test results will bring some light to your condition and that you will be free of this nightmare, with or without surgery.

Tashal73 profile image
Tashal73 in reply to ifiweopfjwfjwef

Your very welcome, hope you get some answers too 😊

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