It all started when I went out for a meal, came home and had really bad diarrhoea. Then the next day had stomach pains and felt like I needed to go but couldn’t. So I took senna, but this didn’t really help. I had stomach cramps, trouble going toilet, and during the night I could feel things moving in my stomach and could hear it too. I went to the Doctors, told her everything, she felt my stomach and told me it sounded like my bowel is irritated so she gave me some mebeverine, a months worth. I also went back a few days later because of nausea and not being able to eat and they also told me it was IBS. The thing is I get overly worried and anxious and google symptoms (I know this is stupid of me) and I have got my self so worked up that I’m sure I’m making things worse. But also can’t help but be paranoid it’s something worse. I went back when I ran out of mebeverine and they told me to keep taking them every day so I have been. Was okay for about a week, then this week I’ve barely been able to go to the toilet, little bits coming out at a time then this morning water like diarrhoea which seems slimy. I’m just so confused on how to deal with this condition and feel like the doctor hasn’t helped at all, I don’t know what to eat or what to do and what’s normal, please help! It’s reallt getting me down
IBS and how to deal with it : It all started... - IBS Network
IBS and how to deal with it

I know how you feel, I'm exactly the same. Worried its more than ibs. What tests have you had if you do t mind me asking?
I haven’t had any. They felt my stomach and I said I was scared it could be something worse and she assured me it wasn’t. And that anxiety and nerves makes IBS worse
I've had stomach examination, blood test and stool test. All were fine. But can't put my mind at rest that ibs is all it is. I Google too and it always always always come up with cancer no matter what you type in which makes you 1000000 times worse.
Yes, and the previous week when I said it got worse again I had heard someone in the family talking about chrons so of course I googled it and it’s terrified me. I don’t have blood in stools or anything. But then my symptoms got worse when I googled this, so it probably is just the anxiety making it flare up. I’m going back to the doctors and maybe they’ll do the blood and stool test, which I’m sure rule out chrons don’t they? How long have you had it, did they give you any medication?
I've had a dodgy stomach for years but worst its ever been for about the past 6 months. The stool sample looks for blood on the poo as well as infection, worms, parasites etc. And the blood test looks for anemia and signs of infection I believe. All I was told was to take imodium on bad days. But the bad days are getting more and more frequent
I have mebeverine which has been helpful but not when things are severe
I'm getting to the stage now where I have diarrhoea most days but because stool and blood test were normal the doctor seems reluctant to send me for anymore tests. Health anxiety and Dr Google are convincing me it's more than Ibs and it's a vicious circle I can't get out of. I never pass blood but occasionally mucus and when I told doctor that she said ibs so can't win really 🤷🏻♀️
Yes me too! It’s so miserable I am crying on a daily basis because I don’t know how I’m supposed to live with it. I was in hospital at Christmas and have had severe anxiety about health since so that doesn’t help. The main symptoms when I have them are stomach cramps, dull aches, tiredness, gas, nausea and problems going to the toilet
Rainy and Charley, I'm here for you both - going through both of you guys' issues - constipation which feels all safe and fine then BOOM. D*. I realised that I am a IBS-C sufferer until last month when I took an antibiotic which truly, truly messed me up. Its been a horrible 2 months of anxiety as I always have to be near a bathroom. I lost a good 9 pounds and am on dry foods and still like today, after a nice night last night of chicken and broccoli I had cramps and half c* and half d*. it HAS to be IBS cos my stools are so interchanging these days. I do believe its stress unfortunately as when I play with my band i get bad nausea and or d*. Consider yourselves lucky if youve had more reassuring tests though, I dont like the sound of the endo or the colon
Me either! Ive got myself paranoid it’s something more than IBS like chrons or something, and I have to admit it all got worse when I began worrying it was chrons (ibs is triggered by anxiety and that makes it worse ). I don’t want a endo or colonoscopy, I am terrified but I keep googling things and don’t know how to work out if it could be chrons or if it is just IBS
I'm terrified of a colonoscopy too. One for worrying they will find something bad and two seeing my mum go through endo/colo in February and the laxative she had to take. The noises coming from that toilet still haunt me to this day 😂
Hi there, had the same symptoms for a year now, had Colonoscopy all clear, doctor said it's trial by elimination now. Tried gluten fee with no luck. But I'm on a 4 week run of no symptoms, toilet visits back to normal, all be it a little firm, but I can cope with this. The reason for my upturn is a low fibre diet, no veg that cause gas, no brown bread or porridge etc. Can't believe the difference, almost back to normal and not having to plan where the toilets are on trips out.
Hope this helps. Mick

Thankyou, I’ll probably give this a go. Can you give me like an example of your daily meals?
White toast butter and jam for breakfast or Gluten free honey flakes with milk.
Meat or cheese salad lunch.
Chicken or other meat, potatoes courgette and tomatoes for dinner.
And only small portions
I do have a small choc bar as a treat.
I know it's a bit basic but hoping to add more in future.
But it's working.

It sounds like mine, I had kidney stones at Christmas so I also have to take that into account with my diet, like avoiding foods that cause them, but I have porridge or eggs on toast for breakfast, then a sandwich of some sort for lunch, then chicken usually with roasted vegetables. I just don’t know how to alter my diet, I don’t know what to take out or where to start and I’m scared of the consequences if I eat something that doesn’t agree. Have you found you’ve lost weight from changing your eating too? Like I feel nauseous all the time and I have limited my diet so much. And I’ve lost 11lbs since the end of April, and I don’t know if this is down to the IBS or if I should be worried! It really gets me anxious
If you look up low fibre FODMAP. Mine started as I was getting older (65) and told
to eat more fibre and veg, but looks like this was the cause of my problems
I do eat quite a few eggs, poached or in omelettes.
Just need to steer clear of the high fibre fruit and veg
Hope you get sorted soon

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Stress and anxiety can be a trigger of IBS. We have information on managing stress when you have IBS.