Hi all.
If you read my previous posts you'll be able to see I've had bowel problems for years, but a bit of background. I'm female, 25 from Scotland. I have IBS-C, been getting gradually worse. I'm currently taking 290mg Constella. I have debilitating pain with bowel movements, blood and mucus in stools. Severe bloating (currently under gynaecology too as i think I have endometriosis or Adenmyosis, I've had a Laparoscopy but it wasn't carried out by a specialist and nothing was found) I've seen a private gynaecologist and he says I should push for another laparoscopy, but that's for a different sub. I also don't have much of an appetite as every time I eat I seem to feel sick. Anyway, I had a flexi sig done 2 years ago and they found an anal fissure. I was prescribed GTN, didn't fix it, as well as Diltiazem, didn't fix it. I saw a bowel consultant on the 18th of April and he said the Fissure still isn't healed. They're going to put me under a general anaesthetic and give me Botox on the Fissure, as well as doing a full colonoscopy to check for anything else that might be causing symptoms. I'm just wondering if anyone has had botox before, and if they could give me any advice? My bowels have now gone the other way over the last 3 weeks, I'm sometimes going 4-7 times a day.
Thanks everyone