Hi all...i lost my dad in November to colon cancer he was 72...i have since had a colonoscopy scheduled for 12th march. I am 41 and suffered IBS from 19 and hemmoroids... since my dads illness i examine everything...my diet is poor and i am 4 stone overweight. Recently iv had pain in the back passage like a pulling and stinging although thats eased off...and since examining closely flat poohs...usually start off ok but the more i go the flatter they get,,,no blood ever...have had mucas for years but not recently...im panicking beyond beleif. Surely im not going to be that unlucky to have cancer so soon after my dad anyone else experienced these symptoms??
IBS and hemmoroids and flat pooh: Hi all...i... - IBS Network
IBS and hemmoroids and flat pooh

I have flat poo too as I have a redundant colon which means it is too long and flops and twists. It never used to bother me but since being put on the low fodmap diet I have been terribly constipated so the poo gets stuck and squashed in my colon. It is very painful. This showed up in my colonoscopy. I hope this helps.
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I think with anything’s more serious there tend to be a number of red flags like weight loss and bleeding. Do you have a family history of any other bowel issues eg ibs or colitis? Do you have support? After such a bereavement it’s hard having to get checked out yourself. You will be vigilant but try to put this in context of decades of bowel issues you’ve had. I have haemorrhoids too and those have a real impact. Do you know why your diet is poor? xx
Hi thankyou for your lovely reply...its very welcomed ....im overweight and my diet is bad because i get really bad migrains i cant eat fruit at all...also sometimes atm i just cant be bothered..eat well one day then awful for 3. Very bad i know...I get some mucas with IBS but not getting any at all since upping my fiber intake...Its the bowel prep it contains citric acid which brings on migrain plus i just dont feel like i can cope atm Thinking would i be silly to postpone for a few months ...xx
I would have thought it’s acceptable to postpone especially if you explained bereavement. I think though you would need to feel reassured there was unlikely to be any serious illness and delay to test wouldn’t be something to regret. I am not sure if you postpone it may need rereferral so do check that too. With your diet could you pay to see a nutritionist? It may be worth it. Diet has such a big impact on mood and feelings even gut symptoms
well iv been adding fiber in and no longer have flatter bowel movements so think im heading in the right direction...just need to keep it up which is the hard bit...he didnt find anything on my tummy but he didnt take any bloods or do an exam of rectum...so was thinking to get my doctor to do both and if they signal any uncertainty i would have to go ahead...otherwise i would only be looking to postpone a few months def no longer as i know its got to be done...i initiated all this now im wishing i hadnt :/ xx
i read on your other post you had a sigmoidoscopy...do u mind me asking if you had to have a bowel prep for this? or was it an enema? reason is due to my migrains im going to find it hard to do the prep for a full colonoscopy xx
So sorry for my delay. There is bowel prep but it’s tolerable. You can’t eat for 4hours before. Hospital give you enema bottle you self administer or nurse can do in hospital. Hold it for 5 mins then empties bowel. I found it less messy and awkward to have nurse give it in hospital while I was waiting. They set aside toilet for my use then. It’s far easier than colonoscopy I should think. No starving at all. Just don’t eat for 4 hrs. I did find with wait for procedure I didn’t eat for 7 hrs I’m total which was hard as I comfort eat to deal with mental health issues