It started 1 year ago.
I was 26 and had already suffered for 2 years with an extremely impairing disease (intrinsic rhinitis) which got so bad that I almost couldn't breath, spending my days gasping for air, and living reclused in my dark-lit bedroom. After 2 surgeries and finally breathing again, proving wrong a few Drs., I couldn't even believe it. I thought my life would finally change for the best. But this f**ker was waiting around the corner.
I have always had minor health problems (strong allergies, a small deformity, dental implants/endodontic surgery after an accident, etc) and interpersonal problems (bullying, family problems...), but I always managed to overcome them and kept moving on. My breathing issues were very close to beat me for good, as I was falling in a really dark place, but luck was finally on my side (though I am not fully healed, that's not possible...but I can function perfectly).
The reason of this post is that this sickness is finishing the work the others started.
It begun 1 year ago, after an acute gastroenteritis that didn't heal properly, and I had all kind of tests done ever since. I was diagnosed with fructose malabsorption, gluten sensitivity and lymphocytic colitis, but treatments were ineffective as I still had terrible abdominal pain and bloating. And finally the diagnosis came: IBS.
That was 5 months ago, and my life has been hell ever since. I had to do an extremely restrictive diet (low FODMAP didn't work, and I saw 2 dietitians) to manage symptoms, and my menu as of today consists on chicken/white fish/eggs/rice. Nothing else. I get terrible pains from the remaining 95% of foods. I take vitamins since I can't have any fruits&veggies. Mebeverine has helped the pain (I have to take 3x daily), but it's still there and It makes it almost impossible for me to work (I stopped working and can't restart my activity in my current state). My family don't understand my problem and our relationship has suffered quite a blow, to the extreme we don't even talk to each other despite living together. For them, "it's all in my head". They didn't trust me when I explained the disease, or when the Drs. told them, and I went to a psychologist just to make them shut up. After 4 sessions, the psychologist herself recognized that IBS can sometimes have a mental side, but that's definitely not my case and we can't really do therapy as there's nothing to work on (related to the disease). My family "believed" it but kept accusing me and my attitude, so I just stopped talking to them.
They are right however that I need to do something with my life, and I'm at my wits end as to what can I do next. If the disease keeps like this, I don't think there's any future for me. I feel deeply hopeless about all this...
I am trying everything in my hands, probiotics (with little relief), hypnotherapy (no noticeable relief either), I'm even thinking about amitriptyline for the pain, but I have slight constipation derived from my diet, so it might make It worse.
I don't know what else to do. My mental health is getting really damaged from all this. My career has been shattered. I graduated with the top scores in my University and loved my field, I had overcome so many things and had good future prospects, but my respiratoty disease first, and IBS afterwards, forced me to stop and made It impossible to practice (I can't give more details as I don't want to reveal more personal information), losing a couple of "once in a lifetime" opportunities. Health has destroyed so much in my life, though I know worse cases, but that's not really a relief while I write this lying in bed in fetal position from the cramps and the pain. I am terribly miserable as of now, bloated and in constant pain day after day, with no career, no support, no prospects...
Is it gonna be like this forever? Is there a way out somewhere for this hell? How can you cope with it when life is this f**king difficult? How can you stop the pain?