Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here but I really need some advice. My GP, dietician and a gastroenterologist all suspect I have IBS-C however after talking to other people with IBS, doing my own research and just genuinely knowing my own body better than anyone else, I'm not entirely sure this is the case. Whenever I bring up any concerns to them about why I don't agree with them I'm basically calling crazy or a liar and get shut down. I know it's not all in my head and I know I'm not crazy but no one believes me. It has been 210 unbroken days since I last had a whole day without some kind of symptoms and no pain relief or diet has helped in the slightest in fact most of them make the symptoms even worse. They're encouraging me to start taking Sertraline 50mg as a painkiller for the stomach cramps, claiming if I can 'fix my mind' everything else will take care of itself. They already tried one anti-depressant and it didn't go well for me. So I guess what I want to know is if it's smart and right to start taking this medication this way for this condition?
IBS is all in my head?: Hello everyone, this is... - IBS Network
IBS is all in my head?

Sure, why not? If it works, hallelujah! If it doesn't, it's back to the drawing board.
IBS is very variable and personalized. Most of us go through a bunch of different interventions before we find something that works.
What else are you doing for your IBS - meds, supplements, food, exercise, meditation ...? Also, how did your docs arrive at your diagnosis - blood tests, scopes? It's typically by a process of elimination.
BTW, did you try a search on sertraline here? I believe plenty of people have taken it.
And, finally, there is a huge connection between IBS and things like anxiety and depression. I guess you could say those are all in your mind, but they can have a big effect on our body as well.
Good luck. Let us know how you get on,
I've been on two different restriction diets which both significantly worsened my condition but in terms of actual treatments this is the only the second thing they've given me in 7 months, they've only tried treating me with anti-depressants. I can't exercise because most days I can barely walk because of the pain and exhaustion like I can't even really shower these days nevermind exercise. The meditation thing doesn't really work because I'm not stressed like I am already a very calm and centred person so it doesn't make any difference. As for how they arrived at my diagnosis, they did one blood test and told me and I can quote 'IBS-C is the only condition left' they claim to have ruled out every other condition from one blood test and one ultrasound. I do have a colonoscopy booked but it's probably going to be months before I even get close to that. Plus I have had mental health issues my entire adult life and the majority of my later childhood. They have never, ever manifested this way before if it is being caused by that. Actually with my personal history of mental illness I'm not supposed to be put on SSRIs but they've done it anyway. It just felt really weird to me that they've jumped straight to this as a conclusion.
The colonoscopy will be useful. Once again, though, it will probably be more to eliminate anything else.
How about food? With IBS-C, fiber is very important.
As for your docs, you could always get a second opinion, I suppose. Do realize, though, that IBS is a pretty common ailment.
What do you take / do for your mental health issues? I've been on SSRIs most of my adult life for depression, and they've been a godsend. I've also had a couple of excellent therapists over the years.
I just this week came off a 35-40g fibre a day diet of eating nothing but fresh and organic meals all I did was shed 3kg and become even more constipated. I've been vegetarian, gluten free, lactose free, refined sugar and salt free, nothing makes any difference.
I can't really do anything for my mental health. I'm resistant to therapy, I did it for 8 months, it did nothing but enable me. I've never been on medication before because I was a clinical psychology student before I got ill so I know the risks and the case studies and the evidence on like a level most people don't get shown. So hopefully these SSRIs work for something I just feel really weird being told to take something this strong just out of nowhere.
Hi Winfong and apologies to rocky666 for jumping in on your post. Have you found that sertraline helped your IBS? I have ibs_d and am nervous about taking it as up to 20% of people get diarrhea as a side effect. I can't see how it would help my actual ibs only the anxiety that the IBS has caused. Can I ask what your opinion is as someone who has experience of both? TIA.
I'm afraid I've never tried sertraline. Have you tried searching on it here?
I had severe gastroenteritis aged 20. A long time ago. I could eat most foods until 7 years ago and have IBS. I have to pad up every day. I am 70 now. Had various antidepressants for depression over the years and after a while I come off them. I am quite fit apart from Scoliosis but still try to keep healthy but my diet is very boring.
have you tried the low FODMAP diet? Plus ground flaxseed?
I was very poorly as I actually got malabsorption in the end.
If I stick to the Low Fodmap/ IBS diet I can function almost normally.
Hi, I have tried the Fodmap diet and in fact still avoid a lot of the foods on the diet as they make sense. Cruciferous vegetables, bean and pulses etc. also anything greasy. I can’t say that I found it to have made much a huge difference unfortunately but it certainly avoids even more episodes. I’ve also gone gluten free which made absolutely no difference. I could go on. I haven’t tried flaxseed so I will look into it. Thank you.
Thank you for that information rocky666.
Has your gall bladdder been checked?
No, it hasn't even been mentioned that it could be a problem