So I've been trying really hard to stay positive despite all of the challenges I've faced, especially recently, with my IBS. I thought I'd try & start a kind of positivity type conversation to see what others have managed to do.
IBS is incredibly debilitating, disabling & mentally challenging at times, so I consider anything small to be a big success.
What I've done:
Travelled Europe, Asia & Australia
Worked abroad for a year
Built a respectable career
Continued to gain qualifications in my field
Been a best man / Groomsman, twice
Learned to weight train
Own property
Adopted some ridiculous diets, Elimination, Fodmap, elemental (Seriously, people without IBS have NO idea how hard this is.)
What I'm going to do:
Travel & work abroad again
Start a family (terrified of this one)
Continue living the healthiest possible life I can
Continue career development
Learn to box
Learn a new language
Win the lottery (Ok, maybe not this one)
What amazing things have you done, despite your IBS?