My gallbladder is playing up : Any help would be... - IBS Network

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My gallbladder is playing up

17 Replies

Any help would be appreciated I spent 9 hours in A&E three weeks back after a night of constipation and vomiting they told me in the end after running the various tests ultra sound bloods x-ray and urine that I needed to have my gallbladder removed and they would be in touch shortly and arrange an appointment and planned to carry out a test for gluten intolerance and also perform a Colonoscopy. Among my symptoms are bloating constipation indigestion and tenderness on the upper right had side of my tummy no great pain as of yet just sore to touch when I am having an attack, I have been desperately trying to tone up after the winter overeating and neglecting my daily exercise a bit. I started back 12 weeks back eating healthily and exercising as usual but the weight seems to not want to shift from my tummy lower abdominal area like it normally does, I'm at a loss on how to shift this and stay healthy and stop attacks from my gallbladder any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks’

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17 Replies
weegmack profile image

Hey there - what an awful time you’re having, I’m so sorry. You’re really suffering there.

I have three gallstones, but my gb isn’t inflamed, so it’s staying put for now. The best thing you can do, to look after your gb, is eat low saturated fat. When the gb is inflamed or diseased, or pestered with stones, it just refuses to process fats. So that can lead to pain, diarrhoea or vomiting and sometimes fever.

I also have IBS, a hiatus hernia and GERD....and I’m intolerant to wheat! So I sympathise with you. If you’re getting tested for coeliacs, don’t cut any gluten out of your diet, otherwise they won’t be able to tell. I know you must be desperate to cut it out, but they won’t test you if you’ve done that (speaking from experience 😕).

Try and be kind to yourself - you’re under the weather and sometimes exercising too much will make you feel more rubbish. Do a little of what you can. Did they say how long it would be till you get a colonoscopy? Xx

in reply to weegmack

Thanks all you have said will help me as I feel so alone with this and the more I think about thiis I realise this has been going on for the last two years ( the attacks I mean) and I never realised anything was wrong as there was months inbetween and just thought I had eat too fast or something lol but the pain was immense and I used to have to lie down ... I've not told the medics this as I'd not linked the two. I am still waiting to hear from the hospital they just said a letter would follow. I have returned to work and just taking it easy with food had cut out most bread as i felt that was my problem before I ended up in A&E. I had my thyroid removed 13 years ago and I also have a hiatus hernia...sorry to hear you are suffering too, hope you are having a good spell. lovely to connect XxX

SueMount profile image

Hi I had my gallbladder out last week. I have been waiting almost 12 months for appointment date to come through. I totally sympathise with you. I had terrible pains every night for months. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep it was hell. I lost over a stone and a half over the 12 months. You need to go on to a very low fat diet. I ended up just eating chicken breast with veg most days. Fruit is also good. Cut out red meat, cheese, chocoltate, crisps, chips , no bacon - cooked breakfast, nothing greasy at all. I know it sounds drastic but it really does help. I am getting better every day now, still a bit sore but glad I had it done.

katie63 profile image
katie63 in reply to SueMount

Hope you get well soon. I waited over a year to get mine out and had an emergency op as it was leaking poison eventually into my system and was extremely dangerous.

Take care.

SueMount profile image
SueMount in reply to katie63

ooh that sounds nasty, glad they sorted you out.

katie63 profile image
katie63 in reply to SueMount

It was horrendous. I wouldnt wish it on anyone.

Worst time of my life.

That is why my heart goes out to each and everyone of you on here.

SueMount profile image

Oh and also cut down on tea and coffee as they are also triggers. I used to drink 5 or 6 cups a day. I now allow myself just one cup of coffee a day. I really need the first one when I get up in the morning. Also don't eat late at night.

katie63 profile image
katie63 in reply to SueMount

All I drink now is decaffienated green tea and nothing else other than water.

Sue0859 profile image

I had two debilitating attacks a few years back and had my gallbladder removed as a result. I was also told drink apple juice and eat beetroot as they are both supposed to ease it. Otherwise as the others have said, very low fat should help. I took buscopan for the bloating and discomfort as well, but you probably ought to ask the chemist first. I hope you don't have to wait too long - I remember feeling scared to book anything in case I had a bad turn.

katie63 profile image
katie63 in reply to Sue0859

Hi there,

I have had IBS for over 25 years and had my Gallbladder removed several years ago.

Ive always said what works for some doesnt always work for others.

Unless the apple juice is sugar free or freshly squeezed then that would react really badly for me.

I am on a low fat diet which helps when you get the Gallbladder removed but doesnt make any difference whatsoever for my chronic IBS.

I love poached eggs but they react so badly to my gut.

But as I said everyone is different.

I am happy to hear that this works for you and this site is fab for all the advice.

Take care and hope you are well.

katie63 profile image

Hi there,

So sorry to hear about the awful time you are having.

I had all these symptoms on and off for over a year. Back and forth to hospital in agony. I was ill and never felt pain like it apart from now which is caused by my chronic IBS.

I eventually after being on standby for a hospital cancellation presented myself to hospital in agony and was rushed in and had an emergency operation to remove my gall bladder as my skin was going yellow with the poison.

It was horrendous so I so feel it for you.

That is where the pain begins at the top right hand side. I just got worse over the year so if you are feeling the pain more and more dont hesitate to get yourself checked again and keep on at them.

I do hope you dont have to wait as ;long as I did and get some relief soon to get your operation.

I also have had IBS for over 25 years which as Ive got older has became Chronic and I would not wish it on anyone.

You take care and get well soon.

SueMount profile image
SueMount in reply to katie63

Has the IBS improved after the gallbladder removed? Or has it made no difference to IBS. I also have IBS and was hoping gallbladder removal would help IBS?

katie63 profile image
katie63 in reply to SueMount

I am sorry to have to tell you that it made no difference to my IBS but that doesnt say that it wont for you. I so hope it does.

As the years have went on unfortunately mine has got worse. I have just accepted that this is my life now and live from day to day but I always tell myself that there are people worse than me. I know I shouldnt as this is such a debilitating disease and unless like you and I have experienced it, it is so underestimated by some people.

Take care and hope that you are feeling better.

SueMount profile image
SueMount in reply to katie63

Hi Thanks for reply. I will keep my fingers crossed in hope that it helps. IBS takes over your life. I now work from home so it is much easier to deal with than before. It does make you want to not go out anywhere .

katie63 profile image
katie63 in reply to SueMount

You are very welcome.

I would so love to work from home but wouldnt know where to start.

Fliermike profile image

I had my galladder removed 2 years ago. I now have cirrhosis of the liver :( If I knew ant better, I would d have kept my gallbladder and taken care of it... I now know how, (thanks to the internet), liver flush. It's all about drinking organic apple juice (for the malic acid) for about a week; softens gall/liver stones. And then during the day of the flush, doing a few Epsom salt doses; dilates the bile ducts, and right before bed, (this sounds horrible but trust me) mixing pure/fresh lemon/grapefruit juice and 200mls organic virgin olive oil, chugging it and immediately lie down on your right side, so it goes to the liver. During the night, or if you're lucky it will happen in the morning, you'll hit the toilet hard. During that morning it's a good idea to do another dose of Epsom salts or two. My gosh... You will be astonished by the amount of green liver stones and biofilms/mucous you get rid of. I feel like I got robbed of my gallbladder... I have Cystic Fibrosis, I need high fats. I now have to take bile salts and betaine hcl supplements. Good luck

vicvipe profile image

Hi, I had pain one night and vomiting, and rushed to A&E, after a x ray, they said i had gallstones, and had to have a removal, however i made an appt with a private hospital, had a x ray there, and they said no gallstones, but polyps. Now told to leave alone, and go back next year to see if any they are any bigger, and if so decide then. So don't always take what the hospital tells you, they seem to love taking out gallbladder, and saying you don't need it, but why remove it, if you don't have to, it obviously serves a purpose. I wish you all the best, and hope you get your problem sorted soon x

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