Identifying "Trigger Loops" and "it's all in m... - IBS Network

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Identifying "Trigger Loops" and "it's all in my head" is not working. I had chronic anxiety & Stress before IBS-C even started. So why now??

Eliana5 profile image
17 Replies

I keep hearing about these "Trigger Loops" basically meaning "you are sick and suffer from IBS and severe constipation because you are "depressed, anxious, stress, fear, etc" however, it is not all in our head! I suffered more stress from jobs, family quarrels, depression, fear of future, My Dad dying, etc..and had no problems with IBS or constipation. So..why now? Before I refused medication, as it scared me to be on "antidepressants". Yet, no cramping (other than PMS), very rare constipation, no bloating, flatulence, loose stools, nothing like what I have now. Before IBS, I was not on meds and suffered, and I was not even in therapy. No IBS then. Now, I have a therapist am on anti-anxiety meds, antidepressants, etc and why it is now beginning about three years ago, I lost over 100 lbs due to IBS-C, cramping etc. I can't even eat anything heavy like pizza or enjoy a hamburger knowing it will only constipate me further, or all the cheese on pizza I hard to digest and causes cramping and diarrhea? I never had this problem. Only when I hit my late forties. I am feeling frustrated when my Psychiatrist says "I think it is Psychosomatic" what?? If so, why now? So..this theory of trigger loops causing IBS-C, IBS-A, cramping, and everything that goes along with it, is somehow all in our head. If so, why would 42 million Americans suffer from IBS-C and so many ER visits and Gastro visits? This Psychosomatic idea does not hold. We know we are sick and our bodies. Where is the help we need to stop the suffering??

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17 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

I agree it is NOT psychosomatic!

bigbunbun3 profile image

Hi Eliana5,

I to am in a similar position as your self, I have always suffered with anxiety, depression to childhood experience, other problems along the way. My IBS-C started in my thirties, I am now in my late fifties. I think all the years of coping in my mind with the worries has just led to a poorly tummy. I am trying to relax my diet a little. ( I was just on a ridgid low FODMAP diet, which I know is not the right thing to do, but I was getting so scared of eating most things as not being able to go to the toilet). I have realised that all I do now is worry about my tummy and diet that it has taken over my life, just thinking what have I eaten now? to give me the symptoms. So I have decided to relax my diet, have a sandwich and a coffee out and just enjoy it. I am under a Gastroenterologist ( the third one !! ) he is so much more understanding than the other two. He has recommended cutting down on fibre, taking a liquid laxative and hypnotherapy which I am going to definitely going to do. There has been some very helpful posts on here concerning healing the gut which have worked for some, we will find a way to feel better, just a case of trying different diet and relaxing techniques.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to bigbunbun3

Hi, thank you so much for responding and empathy. I too am going to see my (third Gastroenterologist).. But things look bleak, and I fear I will be disappointed again. If you don't mind me asking..what liquid laxative does he have you on? My last gastro - all he said is "more fiber" and daily Colace, a stool softener, which doesn't really help me get all the stool out..and I still strain. At my wits end dealing with this. My friends have given up on me, I have no social life anymore. I feel I am just wasting away, and no one wants to listen or help me in the medical field. Of course, acquaintances and so called "friends" don't want to hear's so hard for it not to control your life. I think " feel some sort of's going to be a lot of straining, I will hold it, have to get this last dish washed. Or its 10pm..I'm so tired from the day..feel the urge and get frustrated, as I know I will be on the toilet, straining yet again another 15 minutes, then I always like to clean and disinfect toilet, faucet handles, etc. I'm a bit OCD..I'm But it's hard not to let it control your life, when it controls you. It's a very lonely struggle.

bigbunbun3 profile image
bigbunbun3 in reply to Eliana5

Hi Eliana5, course I don’t mind replying 😃 The liquid laxative he recommended is Dulcolax Pico Liquid (5ml sodium picosulfate). I found it behind the counter in Boots. I have only tried it once so far, (as I don’t like to try new laxatives when I know I have to be out early the next morning) but the time I did try it, I had 1tsp at night, went toilet fairly well with no tummy cramps, as some laxatives cause. I have not started the diet he recommended yet, but I will. I fully understand the isolation IBS causes, people don’t understand that many foods and drinks make us poorly, eating out is not a pleasure as it should be. I did not make the most of my consultation as I had four students in the room with me, even though I agreed they could listen in, it did make me feel uneasy, and did not explain fully my symptoms. Never mind, I will try the diet and laxative to show willing.

I am OTT with the house work, I guess a perfectionist, which also does not help, I guess every thing is a vicious circle. I am trying to think to be more balanced, in that area.

My constipation is different to yours, I never get the straining to go, but most days I only go a little. Occasionally a certain food makes me go to the toilet well (such a relief!!) but then there seems to be a chain reaction, and I don’t go again properly for days.

I hope you get on better with your next Gastro person, let us know how it goes 🐰

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to bigbunbun3

It sounds (Dulcolax) like a harsh stimulant laxative like Senna. What I take, that I want to get off of..😳

bigbunbun3 profile image
bigbunbun3 in reply to Eliana5

Hi yes you are right it has the same name, but I can’t see Senna on the ingredients list. I was expecting it to really upset my tummy, as the Senna tablets do, (I never take them now, as to harch) but it didn’t

tastes quite nice to. To be honest I’ve never herd of this liquid before which is strange, as after all these years I thought I had tried every thing!! The gastro man said for me just to start with half a teaspoon and increase as needed, but I don’t want to take laxatives on a regular basis, I will just try it for a short time, when I start the diet he recommended 🙈

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to bigbunbun3

I just want to take something (not a laxative) where I can just go once a day and be done with it. Dulcolax and Senna-lax are both stimulants Not good for long term use, but it's the only thing that cleans me out. Have been taking it Every Sunday for seven years now. I have to take it Every Saturday night, and am up on Sunday at 4am, as it takes 6-10 hours to work. I get up groggily, thinking what has my life become. Knowing "people" "residents" gossip that I am on laxative and on toilet all day on Sunday. This is no way to live. Someone just pm'd me about Prucolatide. They say it's not a laxative and just makes you go once a day. It was just approved in U.K. where they are, but still awaiting approval in U.S. I wish I could just go back to my normal life. I hate the isolation on weekends, loneliness and living this way.

bigbunbun3 profile image
bigbunbun3 in reply to Eliana5

Hi Eliana5, I hope your next appointment with your new Gastroenterologist will prove really helpful.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to bigbunbun3

Have you ever tried the Magnesium citrate powder, tablets or capsules. Many of us are deficient in Magnesium. Also helps with nerves, anxiety, and insomnia. Excellent for constipation.

bigbunbun3 profile image
bigbunbun3 in reply to Eliana5

Hi yes, some times use them as a Laxative, but don’t take them daily, may be a good idea to though 😃

Totally agree with you and it's NOT in out heads. It annoys me greatly when some professionals say this, I'd like to see them try and deal with IBS.

Fortunately for me mine is so much better and that's down to me completely overhauling my diet and going Vegan, I didn't eat meat anyway as I didn't like it, but now of course I don't eat dairy.

I really hope it starts to ease for you soon, it's an awful condition.

Take care

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to

Thank you for your reply, I tried going Vegan..but it always left me hungry still. I try to limit dairy and red meat. I do like chicken and Tuna Fish. Yogurt. I'm glad you found that is working for you, just be sure to have your vitamin B12 checked. Many vegans deficient, as they need the dairy, meat, eggs, produce healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your organs. I just found out I had a folic acid (Vitamin B9) deficiency and B12 as well, so I am getting injections and my mood and well being has enhanced greatly. I am no longer anemic.

That's such a shame as it would have been good if it worked for you. Fortunately I don't feel any hungrier than I did when I wasn't Vegan. I eat raw fruit bars every day (I make my own as well as I buy some), falafel, love that, homemade one pot meals (I add extra veg on the side to fill me up), homemade black bean burgers, roasted vegetables etc etc. What I didn't tell you about was the Gut Healing Soup I make. I made the soup when my tummy was really playing up a few weeks ago (I think this was due to the homemade Vegan cheese, don't think my tummy liked the ingredients - I can eat shop bought) and I had nausea and very loose stools. I made the soup and had that along with some tea bags called Stomach Ease made by Yogi Tea, I've never eaten or drunk anything that worked so well, I felt so much better. I now keep the tea bags in my cupboard and freeze portions of the soup, the soup tasted amazing.

Thank you re vitamin B12, I am taking a daily B12 supplement as someone advised me to do this.

I really hope you manage to find a duet that helps you.

Take care


Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to

Oh..if only. To have a car, and not be on SSDI disability, would be a godsend. But I live in housing, where we have a very tiny kitchenette. No stove or oven. Waist high tiny fridge, no freezer. The community kitchen on third floor, but it's a hassle dragging everything up there. I can't get around, so no way for me to go out and buy stuff you mentioned that sounds terrific. I only get taken by my case manager once a month, and hardly get any food stamps. No way to eat very well. Have to eat frozen meals. Kinda stinks..😳

in reply to Eliana5

Oh no, I really feel for you and that makes it so hard for you, you have very little option. My heart goes out to you.

It's honestly no wonder why you are suffering, wish I could do something for you🤔.

Take care

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to

Oh..gosh..really..there are people who have it far worse, than IBS-C. I have not gotten this far, to get this far. ☺. Not looking for pity, or to be felt sorry for. I just post on here for a listening ear, and anyone who can relate. But Thank you though..for your kind response. 🌷

in reply to Eliana5

I do agree with you as I think that IBS D is much worse, idcrather have pain that running to the toilet.

I do feel for anyone with IBS though or with a stomach condition.

All the best to you and for finding something that really works for you.

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