l get a lot of bloating after taking linzess and especially 1/4 cup of fiber 1 cereal. l eat the 1/4 cup for my first meal of the day. l somehow believe it's the fiber 1 cereal. l use the bathroom 30 to 40 minutes after l eat and take linzess. Any opinions and replies will be appreciated! Also what do you eat for your 1st meal of the day?? Thanks for any replies!!
IBS and eating fiber 1 cereal for my first mea... - IBS Network
IBS and eating fiber 1 cereal for my first meal of the day!

Yes fibre can be a problem -I love porridge but again have had to quit because of the awful bloating all over my body and in my face Totally agree with reply above about eating foods that are not processed. Little Toad please post your rye bread recipe
I tried a fibre 1 bar once. One of those brownie ones. Worst mistake ever!!! Ingredients listed chicory!!!
Thanks for that recipe - will give it a go. I don't do wheat and gluten etc so not sure about rice flour but I am craving some bread now. So would love your recipe. I have had to quit porridge because of the awful stomach bloat but I am wondering if it is probiotics that makes it worse with the oats Years ago - pre probiotic days I never had this problem with porridge it's just been the last year and I am seriously convinced now that it's probiotics that makes my bloat worse - someone said on the Fast Diet (great page on Facebook and advice and good diet to follow - very hard but all about food fermenting in the tummy etc.) that perhaps the probiotic strains were strains that were making it worse. I was just thinking before about four years ago I had porridge every morning and didn't bloat like I do now but I didn't take probiotics! I am trying to wean myself off now and going to try and just eat good food for tummy - saukerkraut etc. I just read yesterday that you do not need to take probiotics every day which is what I have been doing - only to replenish bacteria after a course of probiotics. I find also that certain strains of probiotics bloat my face out. Think that is why I can't tolerate yoghurt now! I have been trying L.gasseri which is supposed to be great for flat tummy and weight loss and good results in 12 weeks - but once you stopped all the tummy fat comes back after four weeks. Sorry for the rant but I think we all have these awful issues with our tummy and bloat and either constipation or diarrohea etc Please post your rice flour recipe
Yes if you are histamine intolerant which I am you have to look at every single ingredient - inulin, chicory etc etc are bad for me
Cups. What is equivalent in kgs
Thank you so much for all of the replies. Yes lm certainly dumping the figer 1 cereal! Since l have the IBS-C it has been a non stop problem seems a lot of the time. You grow very tired and leary about food sometimes. But l certainly will try all of your opinoins and Little toad the rye bread. recipe sounds yummy and if it will help my tummy that is a good thing! Thanks Again for all of your replies.
Also if ur ibs c my gastro said it quite common that ur lacking magnesium...
I took magnesium tablets and went from mayb once a week to every day without fail!!
Little toad you use goats milk l haven't seem this on the market where l shop! Where do you buy this?
Thanks Little Toad - great info - are you better now since doing a healing plan - what were your problems and issues if you don't mind - I honestly feel that probiotics helped in the beginning now they don't and I think sometimes they are overhyped and marketed - can cause more problems than good - one thing I did get with a lot of different strains and Infantis in one was very low mood Your recipes have been great - will try the pancakes too - although I am not celiac I do avoid gluten - and don't eat bread (crave for a slice of toast with butter on ha ha!) not had bread now for years but I cope ok with Dark Rye Ryvita - think if I did eat full glutened bread or any gluten product now I'd be ill and certainly bloat up - also I don't do biscuits, cakes sugars etc. so the only item I really have now are the Ryvita. We are a gluten free household basically my partner was diagnosed about four weeks ago with celiac disease and we now have a fridge full of bread that came from companies sending out taster boxes!
Gluten free cereal! I cannot eat fibre high cereal most is full of gluten.
Mayb this is ur problem try some gluten free cereal for week if ur better u know ur problem.
My gastro told me to go gluten free then dairy free to eliminate problems but as soon as i started the gluten free within 2 days i felt so much better ..
It really made me ill..
Thanks again - how long did it take you to get well - you had a lot to cope with - and where did you start