I have been bloated up for several days now. l was using the potty pretty good until 2 or 3 days ago. Cannot use the bathroom today at all. l passed gas yesterday and this morning a lot! l thought well maybe l should eat something good today since the nurse at my gastro Friday said the reason l am bloated is due to the way l eat. l can agree with that totally. Have had no bowel movement either friday or Saturday and now today. I ate salad saturday and took colace friday and then l had bowel movement friday. I ate toast this morning and had 2 bowls of cereal also today and nothing... but a lot of pieces when l went. I get more stressed out because cannot pass gas or bowel movement. l appreciate any responses about this. Thanks to everyone who has put up with me over the months too...... anything else.
Thank you for your replies..... And also Thanks to everyone that has put up with me over the months!