My doctor talked with me and went over the eating l do less of. I told him that l
have this thought if l eat l will not have a bowel movement. I am not trying to brag about not eating!! Very bad for you and not easy to correct. For me it is not! Like l told him if l
eat then l may not have a bowel movement the next day! I know it is all in my head and doctors have tried to help me to not worry about it! Tried to help me to eat again and stop the thoughts. l really thought about going to a hypnosis doctor. His nurse talked with me today and she is one of the kindest person. She told me if you do not eat you loose your energy and very hard if you wind up in the hospital! She told me to take the lenzsee but l fully believe if you eat a high fiber diet you will not have any problems with constipation. But l wanted to say l know Faye but tell it to
my heart to stop worrying. But l do love cantaloupe and salads. And you know it has been along time since l ate a cantaloupe too! Had a juicy salad also. Hope all of you do not tire of me. I am sure my IBS constipation is the same old same old but for me somehow it is a ( castastfree. Misspelled) I do appreciate anyone reading this and any responses will be appreciated. Your mind can do so many things to you if you let it!