I've been taking Healthspan for the last few days - not a full capsule as it's too much for me so I tend to take about three quarters ( I open them up) and my bloat was quite good. However I ran out but noticed that Optibac Extra Strength has exactly the same contents apart from hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and hypromellose. So I took the Optibac one and I have never in my life been so crippled with gas and stomach pains - do you think although they have exactly the same ingredients etc. that they are manufactured differently (for all we know same people could manufacture but just put different labels on) the colour of the contents was exactly the same so not understanding why the pains should occur.
Healthspan Super20Pro and Optibac Extra Strength - IBS Network
Healthspan Super20Pro and Optibac Extra Strength

I take the healthspan pro 5 think it’s a slightly lower one?
I know I have that but it has a prebiotic in and also Vit D - how you get on with it - prebiotics make me bloat even more so try to avoid - you find any difference with having Vit D in it - I've researched so many probiotics now and still not found suitable ones - or if I do- it has Histamine Raising bacteria in which gives me blinding headaches and sore burning eyes - been looking at Kimjea but not sure want to do with that whether to try or not
Must admit the Pro 20 is about the only thing I have seen reduce the bloat - but the headaches are horrendous
I get on fine with it have taken for about a year but had the most horrible head yesterday requiring bed but sure it wasn’t the pill I take separate vit d every other day
And does the prebiotic bother you at all - if you are a "bloater" like me prebiotics are best avoided - just curious to know if you had any reactions to it
Hi I take the healthspan Super20 Pro too I do think you can get used to a certain brand. However in the first few days of taking a new probiotic you are likely to see symptoms worsen I've been taking for a few months now everyday. Even if you switch over to a different brand think it just shows how sensitive your tummy is. You can contact healthspan about ingredients etc they are good at responding. Don't know the other brand I'm afraid x
Hi Jane
I see the capsules have Cellulose in them so have looked on the internet and found some info. below, hope this helps.

Thanks Alicia - trying to get any supplement that is clean these days is hard - maltodextrin is another filler that really annoys me as it is in so many products but then I think there must be a million people taking supplements with the nasties in and are fine - I think as one man posted on another topic if it has nasties in and he doesn't react or have a problem he continues if he does react then he would look at what it contains - I feel I am having quite good results with the bloat on these though and I do tend to break open my capsule as I hate the plastic container they are encased in - have you had any reactions to the cellulose
You are welcome and not sure if I do get a reaction but it's possible as my tummy hasn't been so good lately. I have been using Stevia, thinking it was much better for me, and they also contain Cellulose. I am going to culture some Kefir and will be ordering it online tomorrow.
If you aren't sure what Kefir is have a look at the link below.
It does annoy me so much that you think you are being healthy by purchasing things manufactured as healthy yet they put some many additives in them. Manufacturers shouldn't be allowed to get away with this.
Glad that the normal capsules work for you.

I got horrendous die off from Kefir and also it increased my appetite something awful! So quit
Oh my goodness, I've not heard of someone having problems using Kefir, I certainly wouldn't want something that increases my appetite as it's hard enough keeping weight off normally.
So pleased though that the normal capsules do work for you.

I also had horrendous die off from taking it
Have you tried breaking them open - I do that all the time - I normally go for as much free from as I can but it's a nightmare - but then I've had probiotics from Custom Probiotics and Gut pro that are clean as but they are quite strong and potent - so far Healthspan or Optibac (same stuff in both) have given me good results with the bloat
I had same problems as i kept chaging mine so i asked my nutritionalist friend and he said some have nasties in them, binding agents and things that should not b in there if u have ibs as we are so sensitive.
He told me to try cytoplan as they make supplements for ibs sufferers that have no added bulking or binding agents , they are all gluten, dairy and shellfish free and i have been using them
And they are good, i have no adverse effects apart from my ibs been pretty controled. I also take there digestive enzyme to help digest fats ....
my stomach been really good last seven months since these but i have gone gluten and dairy free to which stops my bloat tremendously!
which probiotic are you currently taking
oh just looked at the range and they have prebiotic in which makes my bloat worse and some have maltodextrin in or potato starch - I'm not sure about maltodextrin
I use bioglans flora one it has the 4 main bacteria u need but sometimes i use good old holland & barratt acidiphilus 20 billion depends what cheapest at time! They do say u should mix then up so i do change. Other then that i always use cytoplans vitamins as it has no hidden bulking agents
I've tried Bioglan and it is good but it has saccromyces boulardi in which is more for diarrohea and as I am erring on constipation felt I didn't go to the toilet as I normally do - but I did like it and may go back to it again. The H & one I've had that and it is also good but it's not dairy free. I wish they did that one dairy free and only 10 billion. The Healthspan one I am wondering if they have changed it since I originally bought it as this last packet is white inside and does taste different - I break my capsules open. Also it has paracasei in and I think this is similar to l.casei - I have histamine intolerance so l.casei is a no no and I am having a few issues with this probiotic - burning eyes, headaches and puffy face which is a histamine symptom. I'm going to reduce the dose and see how it goes otherwise I'll have to stop taking it - it's a nightmare not only battling this bloating etc. but I being histamine intolerant too. Gut pro was good but has infantis in (that seems to increase my boobs) but it also seems to take my mood down a good couple of levels. Do feel good on the Healthspan one that is why I am trying my hardest to ride through the bad bits - but I tried that with Biokult which has l.casei in and a probiotic which I do love but after couple of weeks I have to stop because of it giving me histamine issues!
Holland and b do a dairy free one as that one i have it blue label. I also have one called cytoplan acidiphilus there good. Bioglan im fine with and im dairy ( cowsmilk intolerant)
I have the dairy free one but can't take it has l.casei in - it's a strain that increases histamine so has to be avoided. Interesting to know that you are dairy intolerant but can take the dairy one - that's good - I looked at Cytoplan acidophilus and I think it has l.casei in - I have to check every ingredient list!
Oh that sounds great - I'll take a look at them - Healthspan has been quite good but does have nasties in it and for me I only take half as 20 billion is too much - I bought some new ones and last night as I opened it this time the contents are white normally they have been a light brown colour - and today I have been so bloated it's been awful. And for me when I am bloated my body image goes out the window - I have problems with this anyway but on a bad day - it is very bad
Have u tried the peppermint oil cap before u eat?
Also mayb u need the digestive enzyme more the probiotic, it breaks down ur food especially carbs and fats so mayb u need that .
I used to literally look pregnant as soon as i ate anything! I also used to suffer all say with trapped wind and indigestion but since taking all this half hour beforei eat i have totally flat stomach and no wind or indigestion....
I also gave up yeast all yeast, as it was that more then anything that upset me, i was told it was feeding the bad yeast in belly so i gave it up... gluten and cowsmilk.
Can't do peppermint oil - makes me ill and is high estrogen for me - not had much success with enzymes but then I've not tried as many of those as I have probiotics - which enzymes do you take - so many out there. I don't eat gluten, no bread, no yeasts having had candida and I only have a small amount of milk in my first coffee of the day and don't do any other dairy
So who do I see to sort this out
The links would be appreciated My main symptom is bloating - no blood shot eyes etc. I do feel that since taking probiotics I've made the HI worse. I get constipation but everything I eat I am bloating - if I eat yogurt, nuts, seeds, oats, I get puffy face and eyes - like a hamster puffed cheeks - dbn't do gluten, wheat, sugar and very little dairy but don't think dairy is an issue for me. With histamine intolerance and with a probiotic that has l.casei in and paracasei (which is in Healthspan and think I'm reacting as my face is puffy) I sore burning eyes, headaches, anxiety and wired feeling, palpitations. I am seeing an acupuncturist/hypotherapist at the moment who is also a GAPS therapist she too has histamine intolerance so she is helping and has told me acupuncture is very good for HI
I have been taking Healthspan Super20 Probiotic and the original ones I took seemed to do me good however I ordered a new box and this new box the contents are white compared to the previous ones being brown inside. I also think it tastes different. Personally I don't think this new batch is working as good as the previous one and although they are adamant they have not changed it something is different. I am getting horrendous stomach pains after taking it so even after trying it for a good few days the pains have not settled. Should I quit or ride the storm