Since a while, don't remember since when exactly, I have cold hands and feet. Anyone else with IBS having the same symptoms? If so, do you know what's causing it, have you seen a specialist doctor for these symptoms?
IBS C and cold hands and feet?: Since a while... - IBS Network
IBS C and cold hands and feet?

No, I don't think it is connected with IBS, however I often have cold hands and feet. To me it is more connected with tension, nervousness or anxiety.
Ebele, check into thiamine as a possibility for one and the magnesium needed by thiamine for the cold extremities. Check with your health care professional before using any supplement.
Thanks. I just read that a B1 deficiency can occur when you have digestive tract problems. Hopefully things will improve when I start with the antibiotic course to restore the bacterial balance in my intestines. Fingers crossed.
Ebele, ask your doctor about using the probiotic s. boulardii with your antibiotic. It will prevent bad bacteria from recovering faster than the good bacteria. A brand at most pharmacies is Florastor, others will share the shelf. Research it. For the long haul become more familiar with thiamine and the pros and cons of it's forms.
You seem knowledgeable! Would S. Boulardi be a good option to get for someone with motility/constipation issues?
Oceanwind, s. boulardii is a better choice for diarrhea, B. lactis HN019 is better for motility/constipation. Optibac makes a good product. I encourage you to read the links by eonutrition in the response to Ebele. In them you'll find the importance of thiamine for the vegus nerve and the vagus nerve's function throughout the body and it's role in the intestines. Take time to also learn about thiamine deficiency and the brain. This is especially important because few forms of thiamine, activated by magnesium, can efficiently pass through the blood/brain barrier. Remember, the B vitamins work better together. I'm sure your staying hydrated. Check with your doctor before using any supplement.
OptiBac, the 1st UK company to introduce s boulardii here - & N🌺W available in the US too !❕ Wonder how you know about that ❓ 😐 😑 😀 ❕
Bet you know about the marvellous views of Robynne Chutkan & Zoe's amazing work t🍒 ❕ -
Well, I cld always check with my doctor such things . . . but I hv tended to find she hasn't got a clue ❕ Its as if she has the view "don't tell me what's out there N⛔W, . . . I learnt all I need to know at Med School, . . . literally in the last millenium !"
BW . . . to all readers, . . . yes, BOTH of you !
Sat 1 May 2021
I learned this after being on antibiotics. I ended up in the hospital for five days during Christmas because I didn’t know about taking probiotics especially s bourlardii while taking antibiotics when you have ibs. I also have several autoimmune diseases. I take s bourlatdii and other probiotics every day now.
Thanks for the detailed and informative reply. Which kind of magnesium works best with thiamine? I take magnesium citrate for constipation ... is that sufficient for working in tandem with B1?
Mark Sircus raves about mg flakes ( the chloride form), transdermally & by mouth.
Gave that a good try, . . . & didn't do much for me, apart from some temp initial benefit-seeming sensations ?
Might it depend on what's doing on biochemically ?
Those having far higher activity are likely to need far more - so much for the idea of RDAs - recommended daily allowances !
Sat 1 May 2021
Oceanwind, the elemental magnesium in your supplement may be listed on the label. If not, call the customer service number on the label to find out. The daily RDA for magnesium is 320 mg. meaning the elemental part of your magnesium citrate. Meeting that from your supplement and food sources will be sufficient for your B1. Remember stress, caffeine, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, sweating are some of the causes of magnesium loss. It's worth having your doctor refer you to a nutritionist. My niece had TMJ and was being scheduled for a procedure. I suggested she use magnesium and to consult a nutritionist for guidance. A few weeks later she called to say I yawned this morning and it didn't hurt. If someone has a magnesium deficiency because of diet reasons it takes time to make up for it.
I do and I think it is to do with diabetes (poor blood circulation is part of this) I was diagnosed with last year. Hope there's another explanation but you may want to ask gp. Hope this helps.
Yes I do and have been told I have Reynaud's Syndrome which affects small capillaries in hands and feet. I don't know if it is connected to IBS.
I developed Reynaud’s around about the same time as IBS over twenty years ago