I am taking Imodium at the moment to try to stop the diarrhoea.It gives me a lot of trapped wind.It's not causing me any pain but when the pressure builds up,I pass the wind with some diarrhoea.This starts the anxiety again.If I took Buscopan,Would this allow the wind to pass with much less force?Or is there something else I could do?
Imodium and Buscopan.: I am taking Imodium at... - IBS Network
Imodium and Buscopan.

Have you tried making any dietary changes to stop the diarrhoea rather than taking medication?

Thanks for the reply.I have been to see the GP this morning who fortunately seems to have a good knowledge of IBSHaving described all my symptoms to her in detail,she said that I am constipated.Says I have taken so much Imodium over the last 4 days(4 a day) that I have constipated myself and it is not true diarrhoea that I am having.eg last 2 times I have been to the toilet it was brown water I was passing and she says the water is brown because I am constipated.The way she described to me about what is happening seems very logical to me.She has prescribed Movicol to get rid of the constipation so I am waiting on my local pharmacy getting it on for me,late this afternoon.I have certainly not had a normal bowel motion for a few days so hopefully the Movicol will get me back to "normal".
Several people here recommended Silicolgel. It's not sold in the USA so had to wait a few weeks to get it. It's worked wonderfully for me. Quickly ordered three more bottles.