My Doc has advised me to take buscopan for exces wind. I thought it can cause constipation it has in the past, I am very prone to that problem. She insists it was not the meds a.d I should give it another try. Has anyone else had this problem with it?.
Buscopan : My Doc has advised me to take... - IBS Network

I have severe constipation at the moment due to possible adhesions affecting the bowel on top of other chronic conditions/ meds which add to constipation. Due to the current potential diagnosis, my dr told me he didn’t want to change most of the drugs I’m on, but told me to take the full dose of buscopan each day ie4 times per day, 2 tabs each time.
He would not have told,me to do it, if he knew side affects to Buscopan are constipation. Futhermore, I have increased dosage and am not experiencing elevated constipation. I hope this helps you decide. It does help me with pain due to reducing spasms etc.
Thank you for your reply. It has given me the confidence to give it a fair chance. I thought the spasms occurred when pushing food along and that budcopan would bring everything to a stop. Well the Docs can't All be wrong. I hope you can sort out your adhesions soon. Good luck.
If you have not had abdominal surgery consider connective tissue issues such as EDS . Gastroparesis is common also +
I have had a lot of abdominal surgery unfortunately. Ovarian vein embolisms x2, right ovary/ Fallopian tube removed/ ruptured,abcessed appendix 1st op was labrotomy/ 2nd op appendectomy via laparoscopy. The relief I get from Buscopan outweighs any considerations to it adding to my constipation. My constipation is linked more to physical structure of food blocking in my colon, so I have to eat more liquid based , soft bland food.
From experience I would not be surprised if you may infact have connective tissue issues + unfortunately scar tissue occurs after surgeries and infections. Surgery to intervene can be beneficial but I know its a last resort . I use movicol and suppositories. Is ur motility ok? Domperidone is helpful in empying the stomach. Sending you a big hug 🌹
Your suspicion is bang on , forgot to mention I have Sjögrens,affects a lot. I use a variety of anti constipation meds. The most recent addition is proculopride, which helps speed up the process a bit. My motility is not good. Docusate/ laxido/ suppositories- 2 different types. Think I’ve hit the wall and will need as op unfortunately
A good Christian acupunctuarist can be v beneficial. Mirtazapine low doses actually increases the serotonin in our gut to spped up motility and it did help for a while. Most of all I highly recommend you take Thiamine tds as low thiamine effects motility and is tied to gastroparesis . The Thiamine and even magnesium should help though it will take a couple of months to build up reserves. Sjogrens is common with EDS and its many subtypes. Keep on fighting the Good Fight my friend ! I was told by cardio and neuro that I was right not to take covid vaccines, many people are affected by them . I would avoid further boosters at all costs +
Vaccines never affected my ibs-c in any way. But meds for paryoxymal AF have caused me a lot of grief: Diltiazem, flecainide and Eliquis give me gas from hell and foul too. Taking with food helps.
Thanks for the advice re supplements to help speed things along. Does thiamine have a load of side effects. ? I tried magnesium, but it made me so rough - bowel pain , nausea, I gave up. So much disagrees with my system. I am also agree that Covid vaccines did not help my bowel problems, but neither did getting Covid twice. At the mo, I’ve been told to avoid all vaccines and not change meds unless absolutely necessary, until they sort out how to deal with current issues
A neuro- gastroenterologist should be on your agenda for 2024 x Thiamine deficiency is so common in people with digestive issues and yet so Very undertreated. Sona variety is the best. What kind of mag were you taking? All magnesium is not equal 😉
I also suffer from chronic constipation, have done for years. My gastroenterologist has told never to take busopan as it slows down the gut. That’s the last thing I need.
It definitely slows everything down when I take it. It eases the cramps but causes constipation and as I am usually constipated anyway it just exacerbates the problem.
In my experience, most gastros haven't got a clue. They just want you off their waiting lists
I am intolerant to buscopan, but it doesn't make sense to me to take something that reduces intestinal spasms and makes the gut more relaxed when you are constipated. I've found Rennie Deflatine best for wind.
I completely agree with you. I have seen two gastro doctors and they were a complete waste of time and money. I tried buscopan and it give me a terrible headache and I never get headaches.
I have IBS and diverticula disease I’ve been suffering but hadn’t thought about taking buscopan as I was focusing on my diverticula . I had such a painful night so much I was sick that I took 2 tablets this am and fingers crossed the pains calmed downed !!! The drs gave me co-codamol and mophine which with diverticular disease you must avoid.
So many contraindications I’m so bloody confused 😕 hope you feel better soon….
Hello, Edgar.I have suffered with Ib S for nearly 40 years. I have found that bascopan is the only thing that has come to assist me in relieving pain bloating and spasms
My GP prescribed Buscopan and Codeine for what she thought was pain caused by gallbladder problems. I don't have to take it very often so haven't noticed it causing constipation. Thankfully I don't suffer with excessive wind problems
Buscopan is an antispasmodic that prevents the cramps and pain associated with IBS. It reduces the signals to your gut muscles to cramp, relaxes contractions and relieves IBS pain. It won't help with excess wind but it will decrease the pain associated with trapped wind. Like you I suffer from excess wind when I am having an episode of IBS and the only thing that helps is simeticome (Windeze) which brings together the small wind bubbles in your gut to form bigger bubbles, allowing trapped air to pass through your body more easily. Like all of us on this website, managing our symptoms is the only solution. Hope you feel better soon. 👍
I tend to rely on Windeze or Wind Setlers, (both simeticone) Start to work quite quickly too! Buscopan don't do anything for me.
Hi buscopan can cause constipation, it's an anticholinergic which essentially causes smooth muscles to relax, hence why it's used in ibs, its to counteract the spasms. Its not going to stop flatulence unless it puts your gut to sleep (gastroparesis).I know I've mentioned about this before but windeze/windsettlers/simeticone can help this. Simeticone reduces the dsurface tension of gas bubbles created in the gut causing them to pop and be absorbed. I prescribe these a lot for people with this issue and it works, hence why I prescribe it a lot.
Have a read-