I've had ibs for quite a while but recently I've had terrible wind which quite frankly can be quite stinky. Does anyone have any idea how to manage this please. It's so embarrassing 😕
Wind: I've had ibs for quite a while but... - IBS Network

Try taking 2 garlic tablets a day and 1 probiotic at night.
I have the same problem actually getting really fed up with it, its stinks really bad! Anyone got any advice? xx
Hi I have been informed by consultant to stay away from musli in the morning.
I get stinky embarrasing wind but its always worse in the evening 6:30 pm onwards.
Good thing I live on my own-its like rocket fuel; I think they should find a way to bottle it and pay me. I am sure it would fuel something-ha ha
S x
I'm suffering terribly with this at the moment - it's always been bad but it's definitely getting worse, especially at night. Currently trying Colpermin (peppermint tablets specially designed for ibs) so will let you know if this works! I take high strength probiotics but these don't seem to do any good. Have also tried the fodmap diet which didn't help either but I know it does wonders for many people - maybe something worth looking into?
I gave my colpermin away!! claire louise!! didnt help!😢😢