I have really awful wind problems. No matter what medication i take or what I eat helps. It is affecting all aspects of my life. I've cut all the gassy foods etc. And introduced fennel , ginger ,mint the list goes on. It so painful passing all this wind and embarrassing. I have IBS C. Can anyone give me any advice. Thanks.
Chronic wind/ flatulents: I have really awful... - IBS Network
Chronic wind/ flatulents

Hi Angie
Have you tried the FODMAP diet. I have found it helpful. It takes a while but I am much better than I was. Just Google it and there's loads of information available.
All the best, Angus
Thanks Angus for your reply. I've followed the Fodmap for a couple of years ( off and on ). I don't eat all the main triggers as advised.
I also take probiotics and have tried different ones.
Just so fed up now. My dr hasn't a clue.
Thanks again
Hmm as the doctors are SO useless in these matters, you might need to consult a nutritional therapist IF that is possible for you? There is more to this than FODMAP alone and if you could see one and give them your full history and symptoms, I feel sure that they could find a way to help you to at least IMPROVE matters. It will cost you, but you may just feel it is worth it in order to find a way to manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Good luck and all the best.
Hi Angie, have you tried food intolerance tests? I suffer very similarly and since having the York Labs tests I found that I am intolerant to milk products. Have cut all dairy for the last 6 weeks and, while the constipation is still bad, the painful bloating and gas has calmed down quite a bit.
No I haven't had any food intolerance tests done. That's a good idea. I'm seeing dr on Tuesday( again). York lab tests I'll check that out.
The time the wind stops is when I take Movical ?
Thanks Claire.
Wow, I can't take Movicol as it makes me soooo bloated and gassy. Same with all laxatives. York Tests came recommended to me by a number of medical professionals - they're quite pricey unfortunately but it's definitely worth looking into. They test for over 100 different foods so there's a good chance you'll discover something! Good luck x