A somewhat 'indelicate' subject... sorry... bu... - IBS Network

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A somewhat 'indelicate' subject... sorry... but maybe you can relate...

BettyA profile image
16 Replies

There just isn't a way to 'pretty up' this subject. Sorry. :(

Every once in awhile I won't have my usual Good Morning Diarrhea bouts... instead I'll get constipated for a couple of days...and oh does that feel miserable...

Then when I get the urge to go, its right 'there'... but I can't push it out... I know its not good to strain for a long time... SO... I either have to resort to the Dig Method or use my enema bottle with warm water... Now...the feces ARE NOT HARD...or too large, which is what is common to all this business...It just doesn't want to come out...

Do you think I have lost muscle tone? I have tried taking a 1/2 of a cascara sagrada capsule and yes, then I usually have this sudden overpowering urge -- and pray I can sprint to the br in time!

Any ideas from what may have worked for any of you would really be appreciated. Or what your drs might have suggested? THANKS!

P.S. Sometimes my usual diarrhea stools become more formed (which is good) ...so...its just all 'mixed up'... you can probably all relate to that. :)

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BettyA profile image
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16 Replies
CChris profile image

Try a low stool or box, situated at the front of the lavatory pan. This will raise your feet and knees to the 'correct'---natural--position for excavation. (I use the sort sold for toddlers to reach the washbowl.)

"Squatting", and leaning slightly forwards, which you might have been horrified by if you travel in less sophisticated places, leaves the bowel in its most efficient position for emptying.

Alternatively, the motion may be ready to expel, but is perhaps not moist enough. Try Movicol or similar, which introduces moisture to the bowel.

bburzycki profile image

So yes - dealt with this for years. What I tend to see is a couls ok days, then constipation but maybe not horrible, then PDS in many stages (PDS you ask, that is the code word for pelletized diarrhea sh**s. This is at least in my case some of the worst pain and cramping I get when trying to drive it from my GI tract.

I have seen this change with food, meds, stress, etc.

It all depends on the day.

(PS I am not a GI specialist thou I try to play one daily)

I have learned that at least my GI tract hates change, and when I change it can all change and then when it changes it can takes days to weeks to get back to any kind of normal. So my rule is take care in what you do or change.

Trying to work to normality is not an easy fight.

As for losing ton etc, I think the body or mind dislikes accidents, and will cork off just about anything. Until it cannot cork anymore. So I think you would see more unhappy accidents if you were not able to keep things inside. But the body also wants to get rid of things using the big D.

I have found there is IBS D and then there is sickness D, and they are both very different.

I also know that my morning bouts are usually in 2 or 3 sessions, then things level out a bit.

This for me has much to do with motility and how my gut processes foods, and medications, and the quest with IBS types of issues are finding any kind of balance to this symptoms and cures without killed yourself with meds that can and do wipe you out with side effects.

Just 2 cents from a fellow sufferer...

Are you on a special diet ?

I found that I am intolerant to dairy and on a completely dairy free diet I am 'normal'

Have you tried intolerance tests ie leaving out say, dairy for 2/3 weeks and keeping a food and bowel movement diary

If you are not intolerant of dairy you could try Actimel every day

Have you tried the FODMAP diet it's supposed to help a lot of people

BettyA profile image
BettyA in reply to

I tried all grain free some months ago and it DID work... then ( :( ) I started cheating here and there... I think I am now 'careful' what I eat...but probably need to be a lot more regimented! Part of my problem is that there are times when my Anxiety becomes full blown in the mornings and that is not exactly condusive to having a nice, relaxing BM...! This morning is one of them and waiting for both the homeopathics and Ativan .5 to kick in...

in reply to BettyA

Try relaxing your whole body - sit on the edge of the bed and start from your head relaxing everything , jaw, shoulders etc

Sit in the squat position as described by the other person, with your ipad, book or similar and relax/wait! Zinc and castor oil cream around the anus also eases the flow. plus be in the habit of drinking fluids regularly. I do relate to the fluctuating kind of bowel movements.

BettyA profile image

I want to thank each and every one of you for your helpful replies...You have given me something to look into...and give it a whirl~! Sure can't hurt and would be wonderful if it would help. Hugs to you all. Have a good rest of the day (everyone else, too!)


bburzycki profile image

If there are two words that go together it is not cheating and IBS... and trust me... I suffer from the cheats also especially on my worst days when I just do not care what happens as a result.

BettyA profile image

Love that total honesty!!!! There are times I feel exactly the same way... Its kinda like popping that new relaxant pill called Phuckatol! :) heh....

bburzycki profile image

Many do not understand gut issues as you can look normal but feel terrible. I started full honesty mode years ago, with the result of it changing my life in many ways - some good others not so good, but in the end the fight is what it is and its better to have fewer good friends rather than ones that do not support your issues.

Piksie63 profile image

Like you I mostly have diarrhoea with bouts of constipation. The D I can cope with, even if it means having anything up to 12 or 14 BMs a day, but the C is the worst!! The pain and cramps are a nightmare! I was getting the episode about every 6 weeks and lasting anything up to a week. Since I tried FODMAP I haven't had an episode since February. I read IBS: Free at Last by Patsy Catsos and seem to have found some sort of balance. Good luck!!

BettyA profile image

WOW! That is wonderful, Pixie! Yay! A victory! :) We can use more of those!

Idalmis profile image

I use glycerin suppositories. It's cheap, safe and it works

StephOz profile image

definitely can relate. i find usually my body goes back to 'normal' after a couple of days. i did have to try a suppository once as i had an anal fissure- a tear. it was extremely painful.

i find having lots of fibre- bananas, gluten free bread or toast, whatever you find digests well, helps. Also heaps of water and light exercise. Suppositories are pretty painless and work well. good luck :)

LouisaG profile image

I have this happen sometimes and I have found that doing squats actually helps to move the stool along. I stay over the toilet and just do squats, usually about 10 and then try to pass it again. It has never failed me and the added bonus is I'm toning up my bum, LOL

94444 profile image

oh yes indeed!!! do Iknow what you mean and have to help it out shall we say. so don,t worry about talking about it will you? I have had to do that soft or hard if you must know. not a lot of people can talk like we do on this forum. Anything goes ( or not in our case) so don,t fret about it will you? Good luck

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