Ive suffered with diarrhea for a long time. Ive noticed it more in the last year and a half. In the morning i need to use the toilet more or less as soon as i get out of bed. I can use the toilet 3 times easily & need to get to the toilet asap. Also get a sickly churning feeling which can last for hours. So i usually stay at home until about 1-2pm in the afternoon and when i feel abit safer to leave the house il do so unless i still dont feel right. It really restricts what i do, especially being pregnant i would like to go out for morning walks etc. But im afraid to go because i know i will most definatly need the loo when out. Previous to pregnancy i was using lopermide. But as im pregnant i cant use it. And i was hoping pregnancy would constipate me. The drs recently did a stool test for infection but its totally clear which i knew it would be. Im just sick of it. I would love to be constipated as bad as it sounds to ppl who suffer with constipation. Anyway i started the low fodmap diet on sunday. The 2nd day i didnt use the toilet once. Was amazed. 2nd day used the toilet once but the stool was small and firm. Then gradually bowel movement has increased and today ive been to the toilet 2 times this morning. Very soft mushy almost diarrhea and im feeling sick again. There is something still not agreeing with my stomach. I wish there were an answer to my problems. My hope is slowly diminishing. My mother & grandpa both have very bad ibs. Amd then my other grandma has celiac desease. Dr's fobbed me off and said oh its just ibs. Well its ruining my life. Is there any hope for me. Thank you
Low fodmap and still diarrhea. 5 months pregnant - IBS Network
Low fodmap and still diarrhea. 5 months pregnant

Well it is very important to understand that the low FODMAP diet is something you undertake for the long term. You can certainly not expect any radical change after just a few days!
So keep going and keep a food diary so that you can make a note of what foods trigger an attack and what foods you can tolerate. Slowly but surely you will start to build up a picture of what works for you. This could take many months, but what are a few months when you could benefit for the rest of your life?
Good luck and persevere. Don't give up at the first failure - bit like life itself really.
All the best, Angus
From reading your post it doesn't sound to me like your doctor has taken much notice or carried out any specific tests. In order to rule out anything else you need to go back to your doctor and insist on tests i.e. blood tests/Colonoscopy - I would take no for an answer. I really wish there were more medics that suffered with this horrible condition as they may then understand what we have to go through.
Also, agree with Angus below, you need to give this diet time but on saying that, what I have said above, you need to go back to your doctor.
Very best of luck to you and for the birth of your little one.
Hiya I thought Imodium was safe in pregnancy if you have been diagnosed with IBS. I'd def try to see a different doctor maybe mention to your midwife they should be giving you more support with this as you are pregnant. Other triggers could be hormones, heat or stress/anxiety. Maybe try some ginger or peppermint tea x
Thanks for your replies. I have made another dr appointment with a different dr. The first dr never really diagonosed me with ibs. She just said its proberbly ibs, and tried telling me its anxiety and that i need to relax and take control over my fears of needing the toilet when i go out and it will go away. Which was absoloute rubbish. Most days i dont have plans to go anywhere and im on the toilet every morning. She obviously doesnt know anything about ibs. One thing i do know for certain is dairy, cheese inparticular was a big problem for me, put my symptoms through the roof. I eliminated dairy a year ago. The lmodium i was using the dr said she doesnt think i should be using it during pregnancy. But i will enquire this again.
Yes the lactose in dairy is not my friend! Also wheat/gluten a problem. I am trying for baby no 2 I didn't have IBS the first time so wondering what it will be like as I also take mebeverine to manage my symptoms. Maybe try some counselling I have found this helpful if the doctor thinks anxiety is the issue they should be referring you for counselling. Good luck x