Hi there. It's been a while since I've posted on here, happy & healthy new year to you all.
I have had ibs for years years. This seems to have reached another level since my hysterectomy in November 2014. Along with my ibs symptoms of pain, trapped wind, mostly "cow pat" bowel movements but sometimes constipation, I am now experiencing awful aches & pains ( lower back, thighs, feet, shoulders & now fingers on right hand). I have done some delving on the Internet and found a book by Carol Sinclaire called The IBS LOW STARCH DIET. She has been through the mill herself by the sounds of it with her IBS & AS. I have noticed myself in my food diary for intolerances, that bread,rice, pasta, beans & sauces can set me off in all directions with IBS and aches & pains.
My question is has anyone tried this ? It (can) be a bit extreme if any starch at all upsets you.
I also just wanted to put this information out there in case anyone else gets these pains as well as their IBS symptoms.
Anyway, it's an interesting read.