Hi I’m new on here and was wondering if IBS can go on for months. I haven’t been formerly diagnosed as waiting for ct scan to see if anything else going on. Have been having pains on right side and bloating since February. Managed to get blood tests done which were all ok, but couldn’t get any scans done. Have always suffered with constipation but have been taking macragel for about three years. I’ve worked out that the pains seem to be trapped wind, that I can move with massage, but still feel very tender and delicate. Doctor prescribed Mebeverine tablets a couple of months ago which have helped a bit, but stomach still bloated. Finding it hard keeping positive, is it going on too long to be IBS ?
How long is a bout of IBS: Hi I’m new on here... - IBS Network
How long is a bout of IBS

Hi, I also have an IBS flare up, which I've had for nearly two months now. I suffer with pain on my right side, burning sensation and lower back ache. I've had a blood test and all came back good. I too don't know what to do to calm it. Every day is a struggle dealing with the pain and I can't find what the trigger is, apart from anxiety. But feeling like this makes me feel even more anxious. I've been prescribed peppermint capsules and omezaprole although I don't think they are doing much. I try to be positive each day, hoping that it will calm down.
Thank you for your reply, am feeling quite tearful today, it helps that I’m not alone. Would never have imagined how debilitating this could be. I’m having a CT scan on Tuesday, which I’m grateful for, but still feel anxious. I hope you have a good day and get some answers soon.
The reality is when you have been given a proper diagnosis that you have IBS you have to manage it by finding diet, meds and exercise that work for you. Suggest you ask your GP for Mebeverine time release capsules not tabs, also I find a hola hoop very handy for helping in the release of trapped wind. Hope you don't have to wait too long for your scan, things have started to move in our area so fingers crossed for you🤞
Thank you for your reply Linley, I did smile when you mentioned a hula hoop, I’m 69 and don’t think I could manage that, although I’m normally quite fit. I am having CT scan on Tuesday, so hopefully will get some clarity. Will keep your Mebeverine suggestion in mind.
Hi just came across this post. Sorry to hear you are experiencing a flare right now. I can imagine the current world circumstances don't help at all with managing the anxiety part of it all. I've had IBS for around 5 years now and though it still throws a curveball too often for my liking, I've found a few things that can help. I always found that mebeverine sachets were much more helpful for constipation than tablets, though like you, I still experienced the trapped wind. I found a medication, that you can get from some supermarkets. It's called Windsetlers, and I take one when I'm feeling that discomfort and it seems to help.
I have had flares for months and then periods were it's almost not there. Keep going - you are more than this awful illness.
I have IBS-C and have been prescribed Linaclotide for it and I am also taking Alflorex probiotic which has been scientifically studied for IBS and is available on a free 2 month trial on joining theibsnetwork.org. These in combination have reduced the pain I am in considerably and I have been able to tolerate more foods so that I am able to consume the extra fibre I need to have a BM without laxatives including 4 tablespoon oatbran, 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed, 8 prunes, 2 tablespoon chia seeds and 3 shredded wheat (or GF version: Nutribrex) for breakfast, plus quinoa, wholewheat bread and whole grain pastas at other meals. These fruits are particularly high fibre and can help with BMs: hard pears, dried apricots, raspberries, oranges (contain a natural laxative) & 2 kiwi. In some people the Linaclotide also helps a lot with BMs which is its primary purpose.
There is some good advice about constipation here:
Exercise can help with BMs. The government recommends 150 mins of moderate exercise (e.g. walking as if you are late for an appointment) or 75 of intense exercise (e.g. jogging) per week. I also have a bit of a walk around straight after breakfast to get things moving.
You need to ensure that you are drinking enough fluids (2 litres of fluid per day but preferably not tea or coffee).
Thank you for reply, I have read other comments re the Linaclotide, and sounds just what I need. The dietary regime I will look at too, although I eat very little at the moment.
Yes. All I could eat last year to control the pain was protein, white rice and particular low fodmap vegetables, which made constipation worse and I had to take Magnesium Oxide to have BMs. The Linaclotide reduced my pain by about 50%-60% which made it more tolerable. However, after introducing Alflorex in addition to Linaclotide the pain reduced to zero. The pain only increases when I try to re-introduce foods that I haven't eaten for some time. The way I've got around this is to only introduce a small amount (1/4 to 1/3 of a normal portion size) of the same food for 3 days and then increase if tolerable or no symptoms and cut back to the previous amount if symptoms for longer and then try to increment again . I've read your microbiome can adapt to handling a new food if introduced very slowly and your bad bugs are under control with a good probiotic.
Hi, sorry to hear you may have IBS,its a dreadful disease. Sorry to be giving you bad news but I've been suffering with it for 14 years. I've been told there is not a test that diagnoses you 100% for IBS. Hope you feel better.
Hi Fedupwaiting, yes I always have pain,very severe most times. So severe I have to go to hospital or have a emergency Doctor to call and give me a painkiller injection. When I first had a flare up the pain was across my stomach but now it's on my lower left abdomen. I'm always crying with the pain. I also can't bare anything around my waist, feels like I'm getting g strangled.
Its is awful, can't go anywhere or do anything. It's that bad I had to be off my work and eventually was paid off due to ill health. The pain is so bad,it affected my Mental Health and I tried to commit suicide. Been told there is no more can be done, I just have to live with it and take my medication that does nothing for me.
Sorry my messages are so negative
So sorry to hear this, how long ago was you told no more could be done. Think I would be asking for second opinion. Unfortunately not all doctors should be doctors, my experience over the years have proved this. A good doctor should be referring you for support at the very least. Too many of us just accept what they say is nonnegotiable. Wish I could say more, but hopefully you will find some new progress in this disease that can help you.
Hi, as I've said I've had IBS for 14 years but the last 3 years it has severely got worse. Was told 9 months ago that they couldn't find anything else was wrong and it was IBS and there was no more could be done for me. I have seen more than one Doctor and they all say the same.
I'm under the supervision of the Mental Health Team, but theres not much they can do to help my Mental Health as long as I have IBS.
Yea we do just accept what they say, because they should know more than we do. I hope too they soon find a cure for it or at least medication that helps. People don't understand and don't realise what it's like to live with it, I was beginning to think it was all in my head.
Hope you've not long to wait for your scan and you get some answers.
Take Care.
hi there. I have lower right discomfort and mucus in stools, had since February. I do however have ulcerative colitis. I had to take a stool sample test in which measures for inflammation. anything over 200 is considered positive and normal is upto 50. mine was 943, during steroid treatment it went down to 4 and I did another one last week and its now 123. still same symptoms since February, discomfort lower right and mucus in stool. they think 123 could just be my normal level with me being iBD apparently its quite common to be elevated, but they also mentioned it could be iBS running along IBD which is a treat!
I am amazed at the tests you can have done in UK. I am in New Zealand and we have no access to stool tests for inflammation for example. I have had some aspects of IBS since childhood but not consistently severe as some of you describe and am 71 yrs now.
Has anyone noticed any difference with organic/ home grown food?