Does anyone have any experience of methyl cellulose - I think it's called celevac? I have to take laxatives and struggle with all of them. Fibogel is no use and Movicol has it's drawbacks even though it works - I end up with the runs after a few days on it despite reducing the dosage. I'm wanting to try another bulk softener (have tried Normacol but it gives me horrible cramps) and I need some advice. Diet/exercise don't make a difference to me since I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago, so even though I am good with both, I need help!
Celevac anyone?: Does anyone have any experience... - IBS Network
Celevac anyone?

Hi Binks Google it and see if it will agree with you.
Thanks Gemini. I will google, it but just wondered whether anyone had any experience of it. I'm taking Movicol in small doses (half a sachet) every night, and after a week I get horrible bloating and diarrhea. I stop taking it for a couple of days, go back to being constipated and then the whole cycle starts again. I hate it.
This is a bulk forming laxative as opposed to an osmotic laxative .bulk formers don't suit me but an osmotic like lactulose is ok . Might be worth trying an osmotic rather than a bulk former

Take care with lactulose - it is a fermentable carbohydrate and can make IBS worse see here for some information on IBS medications for constipation - a few new ones have been developed recently.
Ive taken methycelulose for years as i have terrible toilet issues due to having lots of Radiotherapy 14 years ago, but i can’t get them anymore i have bought some online but they are really expensive! Really hope you get sorted it’s really upsetting having issues like this.
Trouble with me is I only get loose toilets and Methycelulose is the only thing that helps! Even if I cut down how many tablets I take I’m different! It’s an absolute nightmare and this is the 2nd time they’ve not being able to supply them on NHS! Very upsetting. Thanks for your advice.
No I haven’t! Thanks for that I will give it a try.