Anyone feel wierd flopping sensation down belo... - IBS Network

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Anyone feel wierd flopping sensation down below when they go to loo..

LFHell profile image
6 Replies

As in when you are trying to go, feels like there's a delay/blockage even though almost there, and then it all flops out in one go. It started with my dairy allergy and feels like i expell everything in one go (have diorrhea) even though its a high volume. . But then i had constipation from a probiotic this week and i felt it again while i was straining this time and was pushing and felt like bowels going wrong way... I'm not understanding what this weird sensation is. Is it part of constipation? My stools are also really soft still even when constipated and wondering if i have peristalsis issue from probiotic? Im hoping it will go away soon.

But i dont know much about constipation, i eat tonnes of fibre and drink enough as my urine is pale yellow so i dont know why this is happening other than dairy free and low fodmap. Fodmaps do seem to be helping. Making me question why the hell they are prescribing this diet. It works but then destroys your health imo.

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Luisa22 profile image

It sounds rather like "overflow diarrhoea". That's when there's been constipation, with harder drier stool, but behind that blockage is much looser stool which has not yet had the water absorbed from it in the colon.

So at first it feels hard to expel, then when that "plug" has been passed, the rest all comes out.

If you'[re doing the low Fodmap diet, the absolute best way to do it is with monitoring with a dietician if you can get a referral to one? With that help, there's no reason to suffer any malnutrition or for general health to decline even though there is some food restriction on the low Fodmap diet.

A dietician will guide you through the trial period and the re-introduction period when you start to re-introduce foods again.

I've also had "constipation" (i.e. couldn't go much) yet was passing fairly soft stools. It baffled me to be honest, and that symptom isn't frequent with me but can happen sometimes. It did feel as if peristalsis or muscle tone inside wasn't doing the correct thing!

The pelvic floor muscles can also have a part to play in all that, not just the colon's contractions. So if you think your pelvic floor might be weak, there are exercises which can tone it. One clue would be if you find it hard to hold in wee when you need to pass it.

What probiotic are you taking? I wonder if a different one might be less likely to cause constipation?

LFHell profile image
LFHell in reply to Luisa22

thanks i guess that must be it with the dairy allergy, it def has to push stuff out way first but clears my bowels completely. I'll look into pelvic floor exercise thanks. My gut transit time is under 24 hours tho so its confusing. I have a dietician but they never did much follow up after reintroduction phase. I've just reintroduced them back myself to help C caused by LGG. Ive got a huge stomach now but feel ok otherwise :/ :(

Im not sure if some fodmaps make me constipated tho as just before i did the allergy diet when i was eating bad foods i would get blocked up. So think my bowels are just confused lately.

It was LGG but didnt take it for long. Im going to take Vivomixx now as i took VSL3 when i had gastritis and that helped my biome and steptococcus did colonise at 1% while lactobaccilus and bifido dont appear on the results, well bifido used to but has decreased on low fodmap diet hwich is a side effect. I had really bad bloating and pain on VSL 3 tho but hopefully Vivomixx will be ok at the small doses im taking it at and still help. I also take Lactobaccillus Rheuteri, a strain that they said helped with dairy allergy. I dont want to be allergic to dairy. Its messed up my bowels cutting it out as well, slowed them down.

I heard Symprove helped one person with food intolerances, but i saw on here it gave one person SIBO too :(

LFHell profile image
LFHell in reply to LFHell

I have taken Alflorex in past too and im fine with it but Vivomixx contains bifido strains as well.

LFHell profile image
LFHell in reply to LFHell

Because of the C now, i think i can tolerate some fodmaps like 1 apple per day. and 1 tiny brocolli floret. I 'll see how i go with that for now.. They all disagree with me but brocolli, onion, dairy and gluten are the worst. And beans are the best. (tinned chickpeas)

Luisa22 profile image

I don't actually have IBS C (which is a different matter to any "normal" constipation, I know) But occasionally get a couple of days a bit constipated, as a special vacation treat from my usual IBS D!

At times like that I find foods like brown rice, carrots (cooked), green beans, and spinach, all help me with the C. If I get a second day of it I will buy one of my favourite veggies which I can usually no longer eat, and that's cooked beetroot. I don't eat much, maybe one small beetroot, or half a medium or large-ish one, but that almost always does the trick next morning and not in a violent kind of way.

Apple might be helpful. Maybe peel it first. Apple has pectin which forms a gel in digestion and acts as a soluble fibre which can help with IBS in fact. I tried cooked (peeled)apple once or twice and had no ill effects. But I don't eat too much of it.

24 hour gut transit isn't bad generally. I heard that gut transit (in a healthy person) should be somewhere between 14 hours and (24 I think...) Mine is about 16 hours, But haha! however the "experts" think it's healthy, that didn't stop me getting IBS!

All I know is if I eat beetroot at 6pm, I will poop purple at 10 the next morning, then it's gone. Next day no purple. So that clearly shows my gut transit time.

LFHell profile image
LFHell in reply to Luisa22

Thanks I will try the beetroots :) Apples def helped, which made me think of the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away :D

yeah mine was under 24hrs too and gut still feels unhealthy, i'm not sure exactly as haven't done the blue muffin test again since i gave up dairy, tho can be higher 36hrs at ovulation time. I think with IBS-D you get super fast transit time :P

My first gut biome test 1 yr into low fodmap diet was actually quite good tho not as diverse as other peoples, i still had a good range of good bacteria from eating lots of vegetables. But its gone downhill on low fodmap diet, tho second test wasn't too bad either its just getting less and less diverse over time. Tho thats possibly because eating red meat before last 2. I really want to try adding more fodmaps now i've given up cheese but will go slow.

Did you manage to add them all back or do you still cut some out ?

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