I have used glycerin suppositories to get things moving and they used to work well but now they seem to irritate my rectum so much that I end up having to go to the loo many times all day (even though the suppository seems to get expelled without dissolving much). I see that Dulcolax suppositories contain bisacodyl rather than glycerin and I wondered if they might suit me better i.e. help me go to the loo but without the side effects
Anyone tried Dulcolax suppositories for consti... - IBS Network
Anyone tried Dulcolax suppositories for constipation?

One word CRAP
Have never tried the suppositories but have used the stool softener. It wasn't too bad bad gave me bloating and wind. I had the same problems as you with glycerin. I wondered if it was just me.
Similar problem as you with glycerin and don't like the burning sensation of dulcolax. Have found mini-enemas (microlax etc) are easier to use, work far quicker and no urgent re-visits to the loo later.
Thanks - I have been wondering about trying them. I suspect the Dulcolax are probably even more irritating than the glycerin! Do you buy the enemas or have them prescribed? I am getting fed up with having to keep going back to the gp to ask for different things.
I've bought them from Boots in the past but nowadays get them from Amazon or one of the online pharmacies.
Old thread but FWIW - the burning sensation fades with repeated use, but that doesn't mean your acclimatising to them (that's only a danger if you have some condition that means you need them everyday). Dulcolax supps are far more effective/reliable than glycerin supps.