Hi all, I was diagnosed (after having a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy) with IBS in 1996 and initially suffered quite badly. A few years later I read an article about Seven Seas Multibionta Multivitamins and have to say that they improved my condition no end and I take them to this day and will never stop taking them, they also support my immune system and were voted, along with one other brand, the best and most effective multivitamin on the market.
Since around 2008 I have been suffering with more work stress and didn't know what to do, I took Acidophilus back then and they didn't seem to do anything then I read a post on here and the person said that they took them throughout the day at mealtimes. I bought some a couple of months ago now and started taking them at mealtimes and have to say that they have so far improved my condition - I have now dropped to 2 tablets a day and they seem to be keeping the condition at bay - if it gets bad again I will up the dose.
Just thought that sharing this may help some people but I know we are all different and I count myself as lucky as so far I've not suffered with IBS D.
Best of luck to everyone on this forum.