First post, lowest point in my life right now. - IBS Network

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First post, lowest point in my life right now.

9 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm Levi, I'm a 22 yo male from North of England, I've been suffering for years with this, well, the doctors 'diagnose' it as IBS, sometimes I (due to the horrendous symptoms) think it's something they just haven't discovered yet, a condition or issue that's gone unnoticed and has dwelled inside my stomach these past few years..

I get daily (almost constant) nausea, constant stomach rumbling/gurgling, bloating, lack of appetite/thirst, I'm underweight (53kg), trouble sleeping, and I'm confined to my house because of the severe nausea/stomach issues -- and to make things worse, the last few days I've had diarrhea.

I feel like breaking down, I've fought this bad health for so long that I feel like I'm starting to lose the fight, I can't keep living like this, I feel suicidal a lot, all because of this issue with my stomach/health, but I feel as though I have to keep any thoughts of suicide to myself during doctors appointments or else they'll give me the old ''It's all in his head, he's a hypochondriac, etc, etc'', when the simple fact is I only want to die because I've had my life ruined thanks to this ill health of mine, thanks to the extent I suffer with it every day..

I want the doctors to do tests/scans, a colonoscopy or endoscopy, etc, but whenever I push for these tests they just say to me ''Hmm, I think you've just got a bad type of IBS, Levi..'' and give me a new medication to try, I've gone through tons of different meds and they never seem to work, antiemetics, antispasmodics, food diarys, tests for celiac/crohns etc, they did an ultrasound once but that's all and it was clear, I go to the GP almost every week begging for more investigations to be done, I don't know what to do anymore! I live at home with my father and he's getting really sick of me still living at home, being ill all the time. I can tell he's disappointed at how my life is, but he doesn't want to understand how bad my health is, I can't work /go out because of how debilitating it is, I feel like my life is just passing me by, like there's no way out from this. I don't have friends or anyone to talk to, to comfort me, support me with this battle against my horrendous 'IBS', all my life I've had a dream of one day going to visit Japan, but I fear this 'IBS' will slowly kill me before I can even go.

Well, sorry for the long speech, I just wanted to vent I guess...


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9 Replies

Yes, it's a rotten place to be in especially when you're so young, but you've come to the right place to get loads of good advice and, perhaps most importantly, some empathy which will make you feel less as if you're all on your own out there - you're definitely not. Read through some of the previous Q & As on here and you'll see what I mean.

Firstly, I think you should certainly change your GP and then get a referral to a gastroenterologist. Tests you should be having are: colonoscopy, gastroscopy, SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and fructose and lactose malabsorption. A candida test is also a good idea, but you have to get this done yourself as medics don't think that such a condition exists. Good site for info on this is,

You should also get an NHS referral to a dietitian regarding, in particular, the low-FODMAPs diet which is very successful for a great many people on here. You can get more info about this by going to the website for Monash Uni (Australia) which developed the diet in the first place. There's a very good smartphone app available from there as well.

If you have any more problems getting your GP (current or future) to give you proper help and support, make a complaint to your local Health Trust, it's a disgrace that you're not being taken seriously.

Come back to me if you need more help and/or info.


Cimmy profile image

Hey, know how your feeling, I've been ill for so long with a severe form of IBS, it is so hard for people to understand what your going through, because it's only IBS, if only they knew what a debilitating and nasty condition it is to cope with day in day out. But stress is a huge trigger, have you tried a good probiotic, and maybe keep a food diary over the next couple of weeks, then take it to your gp, you are entitled to ask to be referred, so use so of your stress and anxiety in a positive way and fight for what you want, this is a fantastic site, and I to was at the end of my rope with my lousy life, but you will get support, help and comfort from these fantastic people on here, I always vent my frustrations and woes to my fellow IBSers what a great group of people, if you need to talk we are here and you are definitely not alone. We are here for each other, take care

Lloyd1 profile image

Levi, sorry to here of your struggle, but don't despair and you a certainly not alone.

I was in a similar position after I contracted campylobacter food poisoning , and since then I have suffered from stomach issues/ IBS/cramps. or whatever label it may have.

Because of the many variables that can lead to an attack the medical professionals do struggle to help( in my experience) and you need to find your triggers .

My worse day has always been Monday morning and although I don't feel stressed I put mine down to work combined with a hearty Sunday dinner the day before.

How I control mine is a combination of increased exercise, lighter Sunday lunch, take a daily pro and pre biotic with some psyllium husk and a daily aloe Vera tablet. How actually effective the above combination physically is I may never know or how much is a placebo doesn't concern me as it is working and feeling better is all that matters.

My advice, and I'm an engineer not a medical person in any way, would be

1. Change your GP, you still need to make sure there is not a medical condition, but in the mean time....

2. Keep a food and attack/event diary

3.Try an exercise class or social group like ramblers/ photo club, just to get you out of the house and spending time with new people in the fresh air, spring is just around the corner.

4. Try a aloe Vera juice drink, pro/pre biotic. My eureka moment cam when in a low moment I walked into holland and Barrat and was advised to try their aloe and probiotic, within 3 days I was feeling much better.

5. Cut out any smoking, alcohol and caffeine

There are many helpful threads and people on here

Keep at it, you can beat this


Anjie24 profile image

Hi Levi

Well poor you love, I know what it is like feeling so low and suicidal over health issues. For what it's worth here's my 2 penneth worth. Totally agree with everyone else about going back to your doctor and demanding a referral to gastroenterologist, I would also tell them how low you feel and your suicidal thoughts as this will make them aware of how you are feeling. Tell them that you are not a hypochondriac, you have genuine pain that is taking over your life and how would they treat a member of their family who was begging for their help. As a mum myself I am sure your dad is not disappointed in you, he is also probably not aware of how much you are suffering, so tell him. Try and make him understand how you are feeling. You are not on your own so many on here will help and support you and like the others who replied, feel free to message me if you want any help,advice or just a good moan!!!!! So take care, stand up for yourself and demand that referral. Let us know how it goes. Good luck x

marieke profile image

I am afraid the research needs to be done by yourself concerning IBS, Although a gp who you can talk to and listens might help. I changed gp. He did not come with the answers, but he is supportive in my battle. What helped me the most is my diet, which is balanced now, after years of trial and error. And yes sometimes I get really pissed off about this disease, and low, and that's ok.

PatV profile image
PatV in reply to marieke

I agree. I pray for you to find a good buddy to go with you to docs and demand help. You're not alone, you have something to give.

trishyb59 profile image

hi, ive been house bound with ibs-d for over 20 years and only in the past year ive had tests done and one particular [ SEHCAT Scan ] showed that i have BAM [Bile acid malabsorption ] im getting treated for that now and have had a 50% improvement in my condition. what i would say to you is change your doctor and insist on getting an appointment to see a gastroenterolgist and get all the test done, Trisha [ Ireland ] ps bring a copy of the post you just wrote with you to the doc so he can read exactly the way you feel. and he might get a better understanding of how you feel , also show to your dad if you dont find it easy to talk about ,

angbri profile image

First get with a naturopath dr. They are the only ones who want to help. I had found gastro specialists are unkind & not very knowledgeable . They never mentioned half the things my naturopath dr knew about. I had large levels of SIBO ( small intestinal bacteria ) Im on huge doses of probiotic & follow the fodmap diet. You do take antibiotics at first to kill as much of the bacteria you can. I'm doing sooo much better but still have some symptoms, so going to test for candadida , gluten intolerance etc..don't give up! Like my naturopath says, something is causing this. It's not something you should live with. Also I live in portland oregon, if there is anyway for you to send lab work here to the naturopath college it's a whole lot cheaper. Normally SIBO test is $600 usd, it only cost me $150 usd through them. Please don't give up.. I almost did & was thankful to find an awesome naturopath dr that cares!!!

Hi everyone, thank you for all your replies... I just wanted to update you all, I'm having both an endoscopy and colonoscopy performed on Monday. I'm really nervous about the prep part (drinking 2 liters of the bowel cleanser stuff) I hope it all goes okay, been having a lot of headaches recently too, everything feels like such a mess, as I say I hope it all works out okay in the end, hope you all feel better soon too.

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