what is causing my stomach to be bloated that it really hurts and I feel full therefore my appetite is suffering and am losing weight, is this part of the Ibs and constant constipation, I have had Ibs for over two years and Doctors are just not interested, they have not got a clue what pain we are going through.
pain in my gut: what is causing my stomach to be... - IBS Network
pain in my gut

Hi Lamly,
Sounds like you have Gastritis. I've had it many times. It's uncomfortable then very painful the longer you leave it. Try Gaviscon Advanced and/or Peppermint Oil Capsules. It's very important that you discuss this issue with your gp via a review of your Ivs symptoms abd how its managed, call your gp out of hours, or go to a walk in clinic as soon as possible as it can be detrimental to your health to leave it and do nothing. I also drink at least 1 or 2 cups of Peppermint Tea each day as it relaxes my tummy. Due to opioid medication/pain killers that I take I also take Macrogol which is a laxative and Docusate tablets which soften my stools. All these I take due to mismanagement of my Ibs. I was given over a 9 year period medication NOT to be given to people with any bowel issues. These were Tramadol, Codeine abd Cocodamol. Now i have Chronic Constipation and Diverticulitis Stage 1...never want to experience that excruciating pain again. Ask your gp to refer you to the pain clinic, Urology, and/or a Dietician for help to manage your symptoms. Doctors don't seem to care about bowel issues...just shove a prescription onto you and want you to leave. I hope you get the help you need and wish you the best. Please let us know how you get on 😍
Hi Evonne02,
Shocked to read about the codeine & Co-Codamol. I badly hurt my back/hip about 3 weeks ago and was given codeine & naproxen. 2 x codeine twice daily and this week gone, I’ve reduced it to 1 x twice daily. Before receiving the tablets I took co-codamol. My stomach issues (similar to Lamly) have been so very much worse since starting the tablets, but I never thought that they were causing it. I’m still in a lot of discomfort with my back, can’t drive because I can’t press pedals or pull gear stick etc, but I will stop all the back meds and just take paracetamol and my faithful old hot water bottle! How silly for a Dr. to prescribe me that when my file is full of bowel/stomach issues. I was also offered Omeprazole, but I had them at home from when I had erosive gastritis. Thank you for alerting me of this.
No problem Clara25. I'm happy to help. We shouldn't be having Ibruprofen or anything like it either because it causes inflammation. High dose long, or short term opiods should always be prescribed with laxatives, as should iron tablets. All these things were told to me by the NHS Pain Clinic or A&E. I hope you feel better soon. Take care 😍
Hi Lamly,
Since early spring, I have had the same pain and bloating as you describe. I have been constipated for years, on and off. This slow motility can cause an overgrowth of bacteria in the gut. I read about SIBO on a forum and researched it online. I ordered an at home breath test from the IBSandSIBO clinic. It cost £169 but when it came back postitive, at least I now know why I feel so awful.
Like you, my GP was hopeless and couldn't have cared less, even though I first presented with symptoms 2 years ago.
I know it's expensive but it might be worth investigating by getting the private breath test.
Hi grumpyold ,
I took a private test for same 2 years ago and tested positive for Methane SIBO, which I think will also be the type of SIBO you have if suffering constipation. Since then I have seen 4 different gastroenterologists all, bar 1, completely dismissed me. The Gastro who tried to help prescribed me Rifaximin & Metronidazole, but not together. I took the rifaximin first and had to stop when I only had 3 tablets left. They made my symptoms much worse. Then I started the metronidazole and they were even worse. I was then given Amitriptyline and I swear to God, 5 days in of taking 1 tablet daily, I thought I was having a heart attack. I’m 74, live alone and that day I truly thought I was going to meet my ‘maker’. My Fitbit was buzzing on my wrist and showed a heart rate reading of 149. Since then, I’ve had no help whatsoever from NHS. UK Dr’s mostly have never heard of it, or if they have heard of it, they just don’t want to know. My local hospital (Newcastle) will treat Hydrogen SIBO, but they will not whatsoever accept Methane. I know from the several SIBO Groups on Facebook, that if taking the antibiotics, they should be taken together and for at least 2 weeks, plus you need a herbal protocol alongside, like Allicin with either oregano , neem or berberine. I have bought the allicin & oregano but still can’t pluck up the courage to try it. There’s so much conflicting info. American Drs are extremely knowledgeable on SIBO.
If you are in the UK, can I ask please what help if any have you had from NHS and have you found a herbal protocol that works for you? I’ve spent in excess of £3,000 now trying to get help etc.
My heart goes out to you. Appalling treatment, but par for the course with the NHS, I have found.I didn't bother going through the NHS for my SIBO test. I have learned from past experience with other health problems, that it would be a waste of time. I went straight to the IBSandSIBO clinic. They get great reviews and being specialists in their field. are better geared up to know what to do to help. £3000 is a lot to spend and not get relief at the end. I really feel for you.
I just got my breath test result. Strangely. despite my constipation, my hydrogen is higher than methane.
I have got a telephone consultation booked with Olga at the IBSandSIBO clinic for Saturday.
If you can afford it, I think this clinic WOULD know how to help your methane dominant SIBO.
Thankyou for replying.
Take care and good luck for the future,
Hi, I am sorry that you are suffering. You should persevere with your doctor. (As a retired GP I am so sad that they appear to be disinterested) Have you been tested for Gluten sensitivity? Even if the blood test is normal, which mine is, it's worth trying a gluten free diet as there is something called non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. (I avoid gluten even though I have a "normal" blood test) I find that avoiding A1 milk (I use goats milk and goats cheese) using Bimuno and Symprove helps me no end. I realise that Symprove is expensive. Alflorex is another probiotic that has good results, it seems, in IBS and I have used it before with good results. I try to avoid mebeverine or buscopan and use Healthspan Aloe Vera tablets. If I get constipated I use sodium picosulfate which is meant to stimulate both small and large bowel, gently. (that was advice from a gastroenterologist). These also seems to be some evidence that a low carb diet may help, the public health collaboration has posted their conference sessions on you tube, you may find something useful there. Certainly ultraprocessed foods are not good for us and are all around! I am sure you have read about the other diets for IBS - everyone is different and you will, I am sure, have an idea of what triggers your issues.
Good luck
Thankyou so much for your reassurance, I am thinking of using my savings and going private, I should not have to do this but unfortunately an awful lot of people are taking this option they really have no choice,you must be shocked yourself what has become of our health service.
it is bad here in the U S to get IBS help also- Wether they know more about sibo im not sure, but they don’t act on that knowledge if they do! Here I believe it’s more of a healthcare insurance issue, where dr or clinics won’t even order the tests or the meds. It’s so sad if there Is a cure out there (which there surely is!), that regular hardworking blue collar people like me couldn’t afford it anyways!
If you can get referred to Dr Anton Emmanuel at UCH - he is great. Ask for a tertiary referral. (He had taken a break, but I think he may be back now) -
As I said, you must make sure that nothing sinister is missed but you have to become your own expert. Good luck.
it does seem to be part of ibs. Sorry I do know how it feels. Talk to the Dr about Sibo— Grumpyold is right! Just don’t expect the dr to order the test, most don’t! Feel better soon !