Hey all,
This is my first post. I've read many of yours with interest and read many IBS articles in the past. I find many of the symptoms people describe familiar, but others I don't experience at all. So here are my problems. Is this IBS? Does anyone else experience this? It's genuinely ruining my life, so I'd love to hear your thoughts.
So, every morning I get up at 5:00am, have a quick bowl of cereal, then settle in for a long spell on the toilet. I am then stuck there for the next three hours until I have fully evacuated my bowel. Often my stomach feels OK after that and I can go to work and enjoy a relatively normal day, but by evening the feeling of needing the loo has always returned. Other times I'll still feel like I haven't fully evacuated even after three hours and will then have to spend my lunch hour on the loo.
My stool is essentially like a cowpat in consistency. Not quite water-like, but certainly not solid. When I first sit on the toilet, it is relatively forthcoming, but it gradually slows down to dribs and drabs. Eventually, I'm passing nothing more than mucus. That, and the feeling of being 'empty', is how I know I have finished going to the toilet.
It is so, so frustrating. I'm always exhausted because I have to be up almost four hours before I can leave the house in the morning. I'm always the last into work. It's impossible for me to look after my young child on my own because I obviously can't leave him for hours on end. And my poor wife is quite literally left holding the baby while I struggle away locked in the bathroom. I feel like I'm wasting my life, missing out on so much and letting my family and work down because there's so much i can't do.
I could go on, but this isn't therapy. If anyone experiences anything like this, I'd love to hear from you. Especially if you've overcome it!